Mathematical methods in the physical sciences, -Mary L. Boas
Mathematical methods for physicists, -Arfken & Weber
Classical Mechanics:
Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics, -W. Greiner
Classical dynamics of particles and system, -J. B. Marion
Classical Mechanics, -Goldstein
Mechanics, -Landau & Lifshitz
Thermodynamics & statistical Mechanics:
Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, H. Callen
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, -Greiner, Neise, Stoecker
Statistical Mechanics, -Kerson Huang
A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, -L.E. Reichl
Statistical Physics, -Landau & Lifshitz
Electromagnetism & Electrodynamics:
Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, -Reitz, Milford, Christy
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, -Lorrain & Corson
Classical Electrodynamics, -J.D. Jackson
Electrodynamics of continuous media, -Landau & Lifshitz
Quantum Mechanics:
Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles , -Eisberg and Resnick
Principles of Quantum Mechanics, -R. Shankar
Principles of Quantum Mechanics, -P.A.M. Dirac
Modern Quantum Mechanics, -J.J. Sakurai
Advanced Quantum mechanics, -J.J. Sakurai
Quantum mechanics, Landau & Lifshitz
Optics, E. Hecht
Principles of Optics, M. Born & E. Wolf
Special Relativity:
- Classical Mechanics -Point Particles and Relativity, -W. Greiner
General Relativity:
Gravity, An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity, -J.B. Hartle
Gravitation, -Misner, Thorne, Wheeler
Gravitation and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity, -Steven Weinberg
Introduction to Solid State Physics, -C. Kittel
Introduction to Elementary Particles, -D. Griffiths
Lectures on Physics (I)(II)(III), -R.P. Feynmann
Lasers, -Siegman