What Does“Client-Server” Really Mean? (Part I)
1. Introduction
As computer professionals, we all must cope with a never-ending streamof new technology. Along with the introduction of each new technology comes a dizzying array of matching terminology. We use (or abuse) themany technical terms to the point that they begin to take on the quality of a “buzzword”, that is, a word orphrase frequently heard but seldom understood.
“Client-server” is one term that hasfulfilled its potential for becoming an industry buzzword. This isunfortunate; the term “client-server” has a lot of relevance to today’snetworks.
Part of the difficulty with understandingthe term is that it takes on different meanings or connotations, depending uponwho is doing the defining. In a very general sense, the term client-serverreally denotes a type of relationship between entities. The entities we willdiscuss, of course, are software applications running on networked computersystems. There are many such types of possible relationships
(such as a hierarchy) between multipleentities, but we will only examine two here: “peer-to-peer” and“client-server”. Let’s take a short look at one of those relationships,“peer-to-peer”, that will help us when welook more closely at a client-server relationship.
2. Examining a“Peer-to-Peer” Relationship
In a peer-to-peer relationship, allentities have equal standing with one another, and all are equally capable ofrunning the same set of ervices. In manyways, this relationship is the easiest type to recognize, configure, and manage.This does not mean that it is necessarily the most efficient or cost-effectiveway of allocating computer resources.
In peer-to-peer configuration, all of the individualsystems are configured (more or less) alike. They have relatively equal amountsof resources (e.g., disk, memory, and CPU power), and all resources are equallyshared among the various systems in the group. Each machine is completelycapable of performing any task that a particular user may desire, without theinvolvement of, or reliance on, another system’s resources.
Figure 6B-1: Hardware resources in apeer-to-peer computer relationship
Figure 6B-1 depicts a network of computersystems configured in a peer-to-peer manner. Every computer has the samehardware resources—disk, RAM, and CPU—as well as the same software configurationin terms of operating system and applications. Because the machines are allsimilarly configured, a user who is running a word-processing application usesfar less of the local resources than a user that might be doing a thermal analysisof a circuit board. In the first case, there are very probably underutilizedresources, such as RAM, CPU cycles, or hardware graphics acceleration. In thesecond case, the local resources are more likely to be fully utilized, possiblyeven overutilized.
Underutilization of resources is common in a peer-to-peernetwork where there are multiple applications types being used. Theunderutilization of resources on some systems, along with full oroverutilization on others can mean that some users are not able to get theirtasks completed in the optimum amount oftime, while others may have no difficulties. Here is an example of howmisallocation of resources in a networked environment can actually cost money.
3. The Client-Server Relationship
In a client-server relationship, there areat least two types of logical entities involved: the client entity and theserver entity.
It is important tonote at this point that the term client-server may be applied either tohardware (computer system) or to software (applications) running on thehardware. This is one potential point of confusion, as the hardware may be configureddifferently to run the client software or the server software, but does notnecessarily have to be.
In the case ofsoftware entities, it is possible that both client and server may exist on thesame computer system or be split across multiple systems in the network. Howthe actual tasks that an application performs are split between the client andthe server entities will vary, usually determined by the application’sdesigner.
Figure 6B-2:Hardware resources in a client-server computer relationship
Figure 6B-2 showsan environment that has resources unequally
distributedbetween client and server machines. You can think of the system resources asbeing water in a set of buckets associated with each system; in this examplethere are buckets for RAM, CPU cycles, and disk storage. Resources are movedfrom the client system’s buckets and reapportioned to the resource bucketbelonging to a server or group of servers in the
In this type ofenvironment, there are usually N clients to each server, with the serverproviding all of the services associated with its resource to multiple clients.The client-server relationship may be thought of as a many-to-one relationship.The number of clients that a server can handle depends on several factors, includingthe type of resource being managed, the number of total simultaneous requests,and the request frequency from each client.
One of thedefining characteristics of today’s client-server applications is the presenceof a network connection between the client and the server, so another importantperformance factor is the type of connection between the client and the serverand its relative “health”. Obviously a poor network connection can influenceclients and servers communicating across the network.
4. Client-Server Application Configurationsand Components
Within the termclient-server, there are many possible application configurations. Theconfiguration of a client-server architecture is determined by where theassociated application is broken into separate components. At the most basiclevel, the application may be split into several different components: thegraphical user interface (presentation logic), application logic, and datamanagement logic.
It is possible toinsert distribution services between any, all, or none of the three basiccomponents. In the latter case, you end up with the familiar “monolithic” application configuration,running on a single system. With distribution services inserted, the result isa client-server application. This is diagrammed in Figure 6B-3.
Sometimesidentifying a client-server relationship is difficult because the system beingstudied is a hybrid design. Under these circumstances, there may be multiplelevels of client-server relationships, or a single level where one client mayin turn be a server to other clients. There are some commonly encounteredclient-server configurations which involve more complicated physicaldistributions of the application components and some more complicatedinteractions between those components. Some examples are shown in Figure 6B-4.
Combinationsinvolving other relationship models are possible, based on the whims of theapplication designers. For these reasons, and others, there may not be a cleandistinction in hybrid system designs or systems that are in transition betweenthe client-server model and other configurations. We will try to stick to theclearly identifiable cases, and you should avoid designing such complicatedrelationships if at all possible.
5. Client-Server Distribution Services
While describingthe client-server application architecture, we did not venture beyond theconceptual description of the application being split into components and“glued” together with “distribution services”. Examining the availabledistribution services in an environment is an important aspect of both gooddesign and analysis. If the necessary services are not available or reliable,client-server applications may quite literally fall apart1.
Figure 6B-4:Examples of client-server physical distribution models
The term“distribution services” is a very general label. The services used to allowdistribution of client-server application components include: remote procedurecall facilities (RPC 1 ), directory services, system management services,performance measurement services, load balancing, and a whole host of otherpotential components. These services may be distributed across multiple systemsor reside on a single server. When designing an environment, it is easier toseparate the services as if they were running on their own computer systems,only collapsing the relationships between services and the physical serversystem when the final hardware configuration is determined.
Our schematic viewof the client-server world, then, is the client logic communicating withservers providing data access, transaction processing, and compute power.Interaction between the client and the rest of the environment takes placethrough some form of communication facility. A set of infrastructure servicesprovides the glue to hold the application architecture together.
A transactionprocessing function or database server may, in some cases, differentiate a“commercial” client-server application from a “technical” client-server application. The transactionfacility may be viewed as providing the business logic necessary to properlydirect client behavior, according to a predefined set of rules used to modeldata flow in a business. In most technical applications, this particularservice is usually absent or may be viewed as part of the data service.
The infrastructureservices are common functionality needed by all client-server applications andtheir users for proper operation. Time synchronization between computerssystems, software licensing, electronic mail, directory services, userauthentication and access (security), software distribution, and especiallyenvironmental management are all examples of services needed by almost everyapplication in the client-server
environment.Determining what these common services are and ensuring their availability isan important part of the design or assessment of a client-server environment.