美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(17-20minute)

美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(17-20minute)

作者: 笨言Ben语 | 来源:发表于2020-09-04 14:00 被阅读0次


I'm sorry. I tried to give you the heads-up, but...

Phones down. We're S.E.C. Compliance. I need all portfolio managers and analysts to return to their desks. Traders, stay here. Case officers will meet each pod and expect full cooperation.

Better answer their questions. Cooperate.

This group of energy trades... I'd like you to supply the research behind them.

I was tasked, so I supplied it.

Right, but going through your reports, I see gaps. Like this Boardwalk Pipeline move... what supported it?

It was an event-driven strategy. Okay, it was based on an unsolicited tip.

The trade was near 100,000 shares.

Close to a $2.5 million position based on a rumor.

It seemed...Solid.

Looking at tele-comm... this Verizon trade?

It's part of an event-driven macroplay.


All right, I got a tip.

And the pharmaceutical trades?

That was phone-a-tip.

Incoming tip. What am I, a fucking schmuck? Of course I'm gonna listen.

That was a prom-night promise.

And that means... ?

"Just the tip."

So, this is your entire book and trading history for the past three months?

That's right.

Bit of a rough patch, huh?


I need to see your trades for the past 90 days.

Unless you got a Wells notice with my name on it, you're not gonna see jack shit.

Come on, we can pull it all down from the server anyway, so you may as well cooperate.

Mm. Good point. Lawyer.

Your boss said you should cooperate.

Oh. Lawyer.

Just answer the question.

You answer me one. How much do you make?

I'm gonna need access to your files, paper, and computer.

For what?

I'm authorized to check that all trades comply...

I'm not a trader.

Whatever you call yourself, after I review...

My files are confidential. You're not seeing them. You can call the Attorney General if you want, and tell her I say "Hi" If you do. We had dinner last month. Otherwise, fuck off.

Enough. Okay? Enough. I hope you enjoyed the lifeboat drill this morning.

Are you kidding me?

We did not do well. In fact, we sank. If it were a real S.E.C. raid, we would have been fucked.

Get the fuck out of here.

I shit my pants for nothing?

I didn't do this for my amusement. What happened to Steven Birch... who I am sure will be cleared of any wrongdoing... It could happen to us. So we need to be prepared. To that end, say "Hello" to our new and improved compliance department.

These assholes work here now?

That, they do. They're here for our support and our protection, and you will not even be taking a piss without them close enough to give it a shake. From here on, we evaluate every move... Not just for the upside, but for its ethical grounding.

We have to be more pure than the Virgin Mary before her first period.

Fuck, Wags.

How the hell are we supposed to make any money?

You think this is a joke, Victor? You, in particular, were flagged.


Your short on that chip maker. Eleva Peripherals.

Netted 38% fresh blubber on that seal hunt.

Rotten carcass... over the line. We're lucky the S.E.C. Hasn't come calling already. You're done. Fired. Clear out. Leave your key cards.

This is bullshit. I didn't do anything out-of-bounds... no more than anyone else.

Did I sign off on that trade? No, I did not.Don't say anything else. I trusted you with my name and my capital, and you fucked me. You put us all at risk with your deceitful, illegal moves. Now get out of here. All right, everybody, back at it. Play hard, play clean.Be careful out there.

That was a hell of a public spanking. Make sure our investors know about it.

On it. I'm gonna make sure Garth Sykes hears about it A.S.A.P. You're gonna be a god on the street by lunchtime.

I thought I already was one.

Greater god.

Don't you fuckin' touch me! Or my cellphone.


heads-upheads upheads up 抬起 heads-upheads up)即小心、当心、注意、提醒。heads up是感叹词,常用于警示头顶上方的危险,或是提醒他人让道;heads-up是名词,警示(用于提醒他人某事即将发生)

rough patch 困难、艰难的事情

jack shit. 就是屁的意思,相当于nothing

back at it 回去吧,散了吧

portfolio 名词 文件夹;公事包;作品集;投资组合等

Boardwalk Pipeline (美国)天然气存储及运输公司

Unsolicited 主动提供的┈┈solicit V  征求;请求给予(援助、钱或信息);拉(嫖客)

Schmuck  傻瓜;笨蛋;蠢货

raid N/V 突袭;突然搜查;抢劫

wrongdoing 不法行为;坏事;欺骗行径

blubber 鲸脂;海兽脂

spanking 打屁股



      本文标题:美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(17-20minute)
