

作者: carpediemmlf | 来源:发表于2018-10-18 03:08 被阅读0次

    'Watching' Atoms Move on Atomic Length and Time Scales with Helium Spin Echo

    by John Ellis from SMF

    Existence and Imaging of Atoms

    • 60BC, Lucretius, brownian motion

    • Inferred by chemists, Dalton

    • Strongly rejected by physics establishment till Perrin

    Imaging atoms: STEM

    • Imaging COlumns of atoms, TEM

    • Watching atoms move? - a Holy Grail

    quantify using pair correlation funciton

    • Spin Echo Technique

    • Hexapole Polarizer for a ^3He beam

    F_r=m \frac{{\rm d \vec{B}}}{{\rm d}r}

    why surfaces

    • use in chemical engineering
    • thermally activated motion

    Analytical Diffusion Signitures

    • Modelling Motion at Surfaces: Na adatoms on a Cu(100) Surface

    • Modelling with 2d Langevin Equation
      use the idea of that random impulse

    MOdelling: validity?

    • But Langevin assumes 'white' noise, and real noise has a frequency cut-off, simulation suggests that the region of interest is white

    Light Molecule Quantum Ballistic Motion

    • UNactivated (Brownian) benzene

    Benzene/graphite: simple model of nano motor

    Rate theory

    • The rate of a thermally activated process?
    • v = v_0exp(- \frac{E}{kT})
    • work out the pre-exponential factor.

    'Fiction' and Transition State Theory

    • Problems:
    1. low frictions: rollercoasters from distant wells
    • at high frictions atoms may recross barrier

    Band structures

    • energy

    Use bandstructures for transition state calculation

    • band width -> group velocity -> transition rate

    How you work out the quantum mechanics connected to a heat bath???

    We need data to move forward -> need to build better measurement devices



