1. 生活不易,且行且珍惜
Life really does move fast… don't forget to enjoy it.
2. 你的生活节奏快还是慢?
Whether it's about art, school or career, relationships, or anything else, remember that your path is unique and you can't compare it to anyone else's.
3. 现实与期望并不总是一样
It's really difficult being positive when things aren't looking your way, but there’s always a sunny side coming through! Keep your head up.
4. 我想让你记住的事情
You can give yourself the things that you are looking for externally. You are allowed to be good to yourself.
5. 那些没有压垮你的
You've grown so much by overcoming your struggles. You are so much more well-equipped to deal with them now.
6. 坚持一件事情有多困难
It can be hard work and take a while before you see results… but training your mind to be positive and confident will be worth it in the end!
7. 该如何面对困难呢
Your problems won't go away if you keep running from them. It's best to face them and try fixing them yourself.
8. 有时候说一句“没事”
To all the people who beat themselves up for not being “productive” (myself included).Sometimes doing nothing can be just as productive as anything.
9. 让我们轻装上阵
Imagine that all those negative emotions are bricks, weighing you down.Find ways to get rid of them- punch out your anger, stretch away your stress, run off your worries.
10. 每个人对自己的看法
I cycle between thinking I look awful to average to good and back to awful every day.
11. 和别人谈话的困惑
I find it frustrating when someone's listening to your voice, but they don't actually listen to what you're saying.
Sometimes people don't realize it- we're all guilty of doing these some of the time, and it's okay.
12. 嗯,你并不完美
You are unique in this world, you should know it in your heart.
13. 不要因别人的错误自责
Don't blame yourself for other people’s poor behavior towards you.
You deserve better.
14. 语言和想法可以改变世界
Rest in peace, Robin Williams. Do amazing things with your words, and don’t be afraid of your big ideas.
15. 最棒的感觉是什么
Now some of the best feelings to contrast my last drawing (worst feelings)!