外刊阅读| great gambler

外刊阅读| great gambler

作者: Louise成长记呀 | 来源:发表于2022-08-13 07:50 被阅读0次

@友邻外刊20220714For Boris Johnson,a Tumultuous Tenure Ends With a Messy Exit


The end of Boris Johnson'a tenure is chaotic, messy and jaw-dropping.

Facing an open rebellion of his cabinet,a catastrophic loss of support in his Conservative Party,a while exodus of ministers,he holed up in Downing Street.In the beginning,he continues to fight as a great gambler,but political gravity re asserted itself. Finally, he relinquished the leadership.

Looking back, Boris quickly became hostage to events,lurching from crisis to crisis,such as pandemic engulfed Britain.

It's his lack of truthfulness that exhausted the patience of all people and caught up with him.


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    本文标题:外刊阅读| great gambler
