2-12 Not for Use

作者: biorhythmliu | 来源:发表于2017-02-12 22:44 被阅读14次

There is anold open-mouthed porcelain bowl in my husband’s family. We are not sure when itwas made. It is kept in a kitchen cupboard but rarely used. It has belonged tohis family for several decades. The bowl was bought by his grandfather in 1920s.

At the eve of Spring Festival, myhusband wanted to use the old bowl to hold braised pork. But to his disappointment,he found there was a small crack in the bowl. His mother was shocked andangrily said dit was not for use. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is beingput in a higher shelf beyond our reach.


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    本文标题:2-12 Not for Use
