新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson 108 How do the

新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson 108 How do the

作者: 生命中最美的是成长 | 来源:发表于2023-11-01 00:00 被阅读0次

    Lesson 108 How do they compare?比一比

    一.Look,listen and repeat.



    Sophie is tall.


    Paul is taller than Sophie.


    Hans is the tallest student in our class.


    It is hot today.


    It was hotter yesterday.


    The day before yesterday was the hottest day in the year.


    There was a large crowd at the race last year.


    This year the crowd is larger.


    It is the largest crowd I have ever seen.


    The brown suitcase is heavy.


    The blue suitcase is heavier than the brown one.


    The green suitcase is the heaviest of them all.

    二.Written exercises书面练习

    A Look at these words.注意这些形容词的比较级形式。


    Now complete these sentences.



    It is warm today,but it was __ yesterday.

    It is warm today,but it was warmer yesterday.

    1.It is cool today,but it was cooler_ yesterday.

    2.It is wet today,but it was _wetter_ yesterday.

    3.He’s late again today,but he was_later_yesterday.

    4.This test is easy,but that one is _easier_.

    5.This bookcase is large,but that one is_larger.

    B Write new sentences.



    I am very young.

    I am younger than you are.

    I am the youngest in the class.

    1.I am very old.

    I am older than you are.

    I am the oldest in the class.

    2.I am very tall.

    I am taller than you are.

    I am the tallest in the class.

    3.I am very lazy.

    I am lazier than you are.

    I am the laziest in the class.

    4.I am very heavy.

    I am heavier than you are.

    I am the heaviest in the class.

    5.I am very lucky.

    I am luckier than you are.

    I am the luckiest in the class.

    6.I am very fat.

    I am fatter than you are.

    I am the fattest in the class.

    7.I am very thin.

    I am thinner than you are.

    I am the thinnest in the class.

    8.I am very big.

    I am bigger than you are.

    I am the biggest in the class.

    C Write new sentences.



    This policeman is tall.

    But that policeman is taller.

    He is the tallest policeman I have ever seen.

    1.This street is clean.

    But that street is cleaner.

    It is the cleanest street I have ever seen.

    2.This man is old.

    But that man is older.

    He is the oldest man I have ever seen.

    3.This river is long.

    But that river is longer.

    It is the longest river I have ever seen.

    4.This woman is short.

    But that woman is shorter.

    She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.

    5.This knife is blunt.

    But that knife is blunter.

    It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.

    6.This car is cheap.

    But that car is cheaper.

    It is the cheapest I have ever seen.



        本文标题:新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson 108 How do the
