
作者: 心上的锁 | 来源:发表于2020-01-03 21:34 被阅读0次

She is a sweet-tempered woman, just as soft as the clear water. She saved my life many times. Without her help i can't live to today. But i am a naughty child before her. When quarreling with her, i threw the remote control on the floor, it cracked and could not be used again. Once i didn't like the dish she cooked,so i left home and went out to eat. In response to her criticizing words, i broke the glass on the gate. What makes me deeply moved is she pardon me again and again. She bought the new remote control, changed our family recipe, asked the worker to make up our gate. Although she is not a psychologist, i think she has erudite knowledge of psychology. Because she has a strong ability to make others happy. The gifts from her always gives me big surprise .The insightful comments on the humanity and the trifles by her usually tells me a lesson. The daily conversation with her teach me a lot. Her vivid expression and unique perspective can guides me into a witty world, which cheers me up and grabs my whole attention.



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