
作者: 恬甜咖啡糖_0301 | 来源:发表于2019-11-27 23:35 被阅读0次


Would you like to get coffee with me today?
eat out;barista(小咖啡厅服务生)
I'd love to, Joe, Do you wanna go eat out too?
Nah, I'm not hungry. Let's just get something to drink.
Is this about you wanting to ask out that really cute barista(咖啡师)?I think he likes you .
But you're never going to find out.
Because you're too chicken to ask him.(因为你太胆小,不敢问他)
May be... Yeah, I kind of am.(我但是是有点小)

Hey, what can i get you today?
Umm,can i get a latte?
Sure. Do you want anything in it?
I'd love a shot of caramel(焦糖).
No problem.
I have a question. Do you pronounce caramel with two syllables or three.
Um, two, usually.Do you want skim or whole milk.
Skim please. And can you add an extra shot of espresso?
That'll be extra. Is that okay?
All right. That will add up to $3.85.

That was your attempt at flirting? How many syllables are in caramel.
It was charming.
Did it work? No. It wasn't effective at all.
Okay, okay. I just get so nervous.
You need to do that over.
No way. I'd be too embarrassed. I just need to figure out what to say.
Cheer up. You can do this.

Sure , You're wearing a fun scarf... and you have a great smile.
Oh, Thanks! This is my favorite coffee shop.
I'm glad you like it. We try to be everyone's favorite coffee shop.
And the mocha here is amazing.
Thanks. It's hard to go wrong with chocolate, milk, and espresso.
Would you mind making me one?
No problem. coming right up. Hang on second.
Don't cut back on the whipped cream, please. It's the best part.

Tea is more popular. Do you like tea?
Um, I think it's pretty bland. Maybe I haven't tried it enough.
You definitely haven't. There's a cool tea shop downtown. You should it.
Oh, I wouldn't know what to buy there.
If you want, I could show you sometime. They give away samples on Saturdays.
That would be great.
Drop by after 4 PM on Saturday.Then we could go together.

A:Joe, did you see that? I'm going to go out with the cute barista!
B:You did well. I'm proud of you.
A:I'm so excited.I'm ecstatic even(欣喜若狂).
B:It's probably the coffee.
A:I've decided I'm not going to drink coffee anymore.
A:YES.I've had a change of heart. I now prefer tea.
B:You are ridiculous.
A:I'm going to look up the benefits of tea tight now.


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