反复重新开始-微行动 微改变

反复重新开始-微行动 微改变

作者: 喜珞 | 来源:发表于2017-08-31 20:32 被阅读0次

文章分享,这篇文章来自昨天早上阅读到,LEO BABAUTA 这个人经常写这类型的文章,对于个人自我管理,习惯建 等写一些文章。他倡导禅式生活, 在嘈杂的生活中寻找简单和正念。 去除清理杂乱, 这样我们就能更加集中注意力在重要的事情上,创造有意的事务, 找到幸福。

因为读了她的好多篇文章了,但是发现自己竟然对这个作者一无所知,觉得有点不应该了,所以我特别去百度了一下LEO BABAUTA 这个人,以下是他的一些简单介绍

‘Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves.’-Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.

莱奥·巴波塔(Leo Babauta) 世界知名效率专家。他在2007年1月建立的ZenHabits.net在一年时间内就成为互联网上最知名的50博客。ZenHabits号称拥有17.5万读者。该网站主要倡导在日益喧嚣的生活中寻求一丝简单,把精力集中到重要事情上,提高创造力,寻求快乐。ZenHabits每周更新三篇深度文章,主要是关于简单生活、健康、激励和鼓舞、节俭、家庭生活、快乐和人生目标等话题。 - 此段来自百科



关于leo babauta 更多的信息,以及他的博客 zenhabits 都可以登录如下网站: https://zenhabits.net/about/  


Starting, Over and Over Again (开始,反复开始)


There’s a hope that when we start creating a new habit that we’ll master it and never have to worry about it again, or when we start a new project that it’ll go perfectly.


Unfortunately, life never goes according to our plans. We travel, and eating and exercise habits go out the door. We get sick, and our meditation habit falls off. We have visitors, and our writing project falls into a deep abyss.

不幸的是,生活从来不会按照我们的计划进行。我们旅行,吃饭,到户外运动。 我们生病,,导致冥想的习惯行为减少。我们有访客, 导致写作的项目陷入深渊。

I know from my own experience, and coaching thousands of others, that habits and projects are a messy affair. We get good at building and maintaining 5-6 habits, or we get off to an amazing start with a new project, and then everything falls apart when our lives get disrupted. And this becomes a huge problem — we get discouraged! 

根据我的个人指导训练上千名学员的经验,这些学员习惯和项目陷入一片混乱 。建立和保持5-6个习惯,我们会做得很好。 或者一个新项目的时候,我们会陷入一个令人惊奇的开始。 之后,当我们的生活被扰乱的时候, 所有的事情便会陷入崩溃 。 这将会是一个巨大的问题- 我们会感到挫败

But what if the disruption and falling off isn’t the problem?What if the problem is our hope that we’ll never have to get disrupted, that things will always go perfectly?

但是如果扰乱和崩溃不是问题呢? 如果这问题就是我们希望的那样我们永远不会被扰乱,事情总会进行顺利呢? 

This hope is, of course, greatly misguided. Things don’t ever go smoothly, progress is never linear, and we’llalwaysget disrupted. It would be best to give up that hope, and instead deal with the reality of our lives.

这种希望当时总是被很大程度上被误导。 事情从来不会顺利, 进度也从来不会是线性的。我们总会被打扰。 最好是放弃这种希望,相反地我们应对现实生活。

What we need to do is get good at starting, then starting again. And again. This is an incredible skill that becomes a superpower, when everyone else is wringing their hands about how much they suck at life, how difficult things are, how everything has fallen apart. Instead, we just focus on starting again, and let go of all the stress. 

我们需要做的是有个好的开始,然后重新开始。 再开始。 这是个难以置信但是超级有效的技巧

The Skill of Starting- 开始的技巧

The first skill, of course, is starting in the first place. Lots of people never do this, procrastinating, saying they’ll start tomorrow (I’m not judging, this is very human). So just starting at all is an incredible step. - 第一个技巧,当然是, 在所处的第一个地点开始。 很多人从来不这样做,拖延耽搁到明天开始( 我这里不是评判,这是人性), 所以只要开始就是非常了不起的一步。

The skill isn’t that hard, and with practice you can get good at starting:


Take the tiniest step to get started. Any movement at all.

做最小的一步开始, 任何行动动作都可以。

Commit yourself to continuing that tiny step every day. Get accountability if you need it, and set up reminders so you don’t forget.

使你自己每天继续这个微小的一步。 如果需要可以记录下来, 建立提示使得自己不会忘记。

Keep taking tiny steps, creating a good feeling about this endeavor and about yourself. This good feeling is a powerful thing. 保持进行微小的行动, 创造良好的努力的感觉以及自我感觉。 良好的感觉是非常强大的一件事。

When you notice yourself pushing it off, delaying the start, rationalizing why you can start “in a few minutes” … shake that off. Just take the first step. After that step, the other steps are a lot easier.

当你意识到你自己再推迟,延迟开始,合理化为什么你可以在几分钟后开始,摆脱这种想法。 仅仅开始第一步。 这一步开始后, 其他的步骤就会非常简单。

The Super Skill of Starting Again


OK, great, but what about when you get disrupted? Not a problem.

好的,非常好, 但是当你被扰乱的时候呢? 这不是一个问题。

Most of us have a process, when we get disrupted, that looks like this: we mess up, we curse ourselves, we feel bad about it, we stress out about why our lives are a mess or we are so horrible at this, and then we let all of that stop us from continuing. Or some version of those elements.

当我们被打扰的时候,我们大多数人有自己的程序, 看起来是这样的: 我们陷入混乱,我们开始自责, 我们感觉很糟糕, 我们精疲力竭的想为什么我们的生活陷入一片混乱, 或者我们极其讨厌这样。然后我们让所有的这样阻止我们继续, 或者更改一些项目。

But that’s a harmful method. Instead, if we could learn a less stressful, more helpful method, it could change everything. All of a sudden, falling off a habit or a project would be no problem at all.

但是这是一个有害的方式。 相反的, 如果我们能学会更少压力,更有帮助的方法, 这将会改变所有的事情。 所有的意外,衰退的习惯或者项目将不再会是问题。

Here’s the method I recommend:


When you get disrupted, notice this and notice any tendency to be harsh with yourself about it, or resentful towards life or other people about the disruption.

当你被打扰的时候, 注意到这点,并且注意任何严苛自己的倾向, 或者厌恶生活,或者带来扰乱的人们

Shake off that feeling and instead, tell yourself that life is an uncontrollable river and you just have to flow with it. Instead of wishing the river were a set path, perfectly controlled and manicured, accept that things are constantly changing, never according to plan, and that you just need to adapt to the present circumstance 

摆脱这种感觉,相反地, 告诉你自己生活是一条不可控的河流, 你只有随着河流漂流。 不是期待河流有固定的路径, 完美的控制和整齐, 接受事情是持续变化的,从来不按照计划, 而是你只需要根据现实环境调整。

Shrugging off any past mistakes, focus on starting again. Just like before, focus on taking the tiniest step.  摆脱过去的任何错误, 集中聚焦在重新开始。 像以前一样, 专注于开始最微小的步骤。

If there’s any learning to take from the previous attempt, adjust your method to account for whatever obstacles you faced. Sometimes it’s just a random life event (a family crisis or a loved one died), so there’s no learning to be had — you just have to start again. Other times, there was an obstacle in the way that you can adjust for — mornings are too chaotic for writing your novel, perhaps, so you have to either wake earlier or find a better time. Maybe you need an accountability partner. Maybe you need better reminders so you don’t forget. There’s always a solution to the common obstacles we face, and someone has figured it out, so do a little research! And then adjust your method, so you are constantly getting better. 

如果之前的尝试中有人任何需要学习的话, 调整你的方法并且记录任何你面临的阻碍你的事物。有时候仅仅是一个随机的生活事件。( 家庭危机或者爱的人离世)。 所以这里没有必须要学习的- 你仅仅需要重新开始。 其它的时候,你可以调整路上阻碍的事情-  早上写东西的时候太杂吵了。或许, 你必须要么起得更早, 要找到一个更好的时间。 或者你需要一个可靠的伙伴。或者你需要更好的提醒自己不会忘记。 通常都有解决阻碍的方法, 而且有人可以做到,做些小的试验。 然后调整你的方法,这样你可以持续变好 

It’s that simple. Shrug off the disruption, flow with the changing circumstances, and simply start again. Adjust yourself if needed, but don’t stress out about having to start again.

这是那样简单, 拜托扰乱。 跟随着变化的环境,并且简单的重新开始。 如果有需要, 调整自己, 但是不要因为重新开始给自己压力

Life is a constant stream of disruptions, changes, broken plans and rain delays. Every day, we’re just starting again. Every moment is simply a new start. That can be a source of frustration, or delight.

生活是一系列持续的扰乱, 变化, 破产的计划和因雨延迟。 每天,我们只要重新开始。 每个时刻都是简单的重新开始。 这会是我们遭遇挫折时候的源泉或者快乐源泉。


操场跑步锻炼,其实只需要换上运动鞋,其实很简单的。 但是如果我老坐着不动,想着这么晚了, 要不明天早上我早起去跑步吧, 这样基本上是无效的。 第二天做到的概率很小。 所以想到就去做。 很喜欢某个朋友说的话, Act it now , Don't promise . 行动力强的朋友,总是闪闪发光, 好喜欢那个帅酷美的女人。

我现在写东西, 想到一个主题, 也许时间很快 2个小时肯定搞定写字, 排版等, 但是写过的人都知道的,如果你要写一篇也许还看得下去的文章,如果你之前没有写的习惯, 那么你要建立这个习惯是不容易的。 我用了一年的时间恢复这个习惯, 刚开始也想写一些质量很高, 大家转发率很高的文章, 但是那样压力往往很大, 而且花费的时间有时候需要一整天的时间。包括你也不熟悉这些编辑器的使用规则,更谈不上美观了。 所以我先让自己有写的习惯, 坚持每月一篇,到每周2篇左右的频率。 其实就像文章中所说的, 每天重新开始又写。


写, 再写,重写。


越来越简单, 也越来越体会到乐趣。 希望这篇文章对你有用,如果你在这方面也有点小困扰的话。



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    本文标题:反复重新开始-微行动 微改变
