After checking in, Liz walks with her carry-on bag through the security check. Now, she comes to the security guard.

Mason Walker & Liz Green
Mason: 蒙特利尔特鲁德国机场安检处工作人员
Liz: 19岁的加拿大女生,热爱旅行和阅读
Mason: Good afternoon, Miss.
梅森: 下午好,小姐。
Liz: Good afternoon, Sir.
丽兹: 下午好,先生。
Mason: Please take off your shoes and belt. And please use the bins for small objects.
梅森: 请脱下鞋子和腰带。请用这些箱子装小物件。
Liz: Okay, here you are. Do I need to take my digital camera out of the bag?
丽斯: 好的,给你。我需要把数码相机从包里拿出来吗?
Mason: Yes, you do. Have your bags been in your possession all that time?
Liz: Yeah, I have kept them with me since I packed them.
莉斯: 是啊,自从我打包后就一直带在身边。
Mason: OK. Please walk through the metal detector. Do you have anything in you pockets—keys, cell phones or coins?
梅森: 好的。请走过金属探测器。你口袋里有什么东西吗——钥匙、手机或硬币?
Liz: Let me check...Oh, sorry, I forgot to take out my keys!
莉兹: 我查一下……哦,对不起,我忘记拿出钥匙了!
Mason: Okey, please take them out and come on through. You are all set! Have a nice flight!
梅森: 好吧,请把它们拿出来,过来。你都准备好了! 旅途愉快!
Parden me, I did not quite get that? 对不起,我没听明白。
Would you mind repeating that, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?
I am sorry? 我很抱歉?
Sorry, but I miss that 对不起,我错过了
Sorry, I did not catch that? 对不起,我没听清楚。
Sorry, I did not understand, could you say that again? 对不起,我没听懂,你能再说一遍吗?
Sorry, what did you say? 对不起,你说什么?