

作者: 邱梅_qiumei | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 13:11 被阅读102次

**  探索无止境。


Ideas Beyond Awareness



**  1.早期探索

1704年德国哲学家莱布尼茨在著作《人类理智新论》中提出了“微知觉"的概念:先于意识产生的知觉。1704 German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz discusses petite perceptions (perceptions without consciousness) in his New Essays on Human Understanding.

**  发型华丽的莱布尼茨



**  大家更熟悉的可能是微积分中的莱布尼茨公式((uv)’=u’v+uv’),


他被称为“an underappreciated pioneer of psychology”

ideas beyond awareness

**  莱布尼茨举例子说,在观察一个场景时,场景中的一些细节也会被我们记下来。有时,我们都感受不到自己已经记下了这个细节。但是只要仔细回想,细节就会出现在回忆里。

>>  As an example, he pointed out that we often recall having perceived something – such as the detail in a scene – even though we are not aware of noticing it at the time. This means that we perceive things and store a memory of them despite the fact that we are unaware of doing so.

**  就如同交通事故发生以后,警察来向目击证人取证。尽管没有刻意观察过,证人们却能提供有用的信息,例如肇事者的车型、车牌号、事故发生时的环境等等。

**  Netflix剧集《黑镜》第四季第三集Crocodile中,保险公司事故调查员利用一台可以捕捉目击者记忆的机器还原交通事故场景。其中很多细节和线索,就是通过目击者的“微知觉”反映出来的。另外,《黑镜》中许多故事都讨论了记忆、意识和肉体的关系,感兴趣的同学可以一看。

**  如果把大脑比作一张书桌,“微知觉”就像被锁进了书桌的抽屉一样,平时不常出现在我们的记忆里——这个抽屉就是无意识了。

**  二.赫尔巴特的探索

**  无意识在人的大脑中究竟扮演着什么样的角色呢?

**  德国哲学家赫尔巴特(1776-1841)尤其热衷于探究大脑的运作模式:人一生会产生无数思想(ideas),他认为人脑一定存在着某种系统机制来对所有的思想进行区分和储存,才不至于让人产生混乱。Johann Herbart was a German philosopher who wanted to investigate how the mind works – in particular, how it manages ideas or concepts. Given that we each have a huge number of ideas over the course of our lifetime, how do we not become increasingly confused?

**  赫尔巴特认为每个人一生中会产生无尽的思想(ideas,德语中为Vorstellung),它们通过大脑的某种机制被分类、储存了起来。他还想知道为什么有的思想似乎被储存到了意识之外的地方。According to Herbart, ideas form as information from the senses combines. It seemed to Herbart that the mind must use some kind of system for differentiating and storing ideas.

**  他的理论可以由以下两个要点概括——

(1) Dynamics 动态

赫尔巴特认为“思想”包含了想法、心理影像、甚至情感状态。它们之间可以动态交互,共同组成大脑中的所有内容,并能因为彼此之间的关联性像磁铁一样相斥或相吸。The term he used for ideas – Vorstellung – encompasses thoughts, mental images, and even emotional states. These make up the entire content of the mind, and Herbart saw them not as static but dynamic elements, able to move and interact with one another.

(2)Structuralism 结构主义

结构主义的中心即是上述的“关联性”。每个思想就如同组成大脑的原子:相似的思想相吸,结合成一个更庞杂的结构;相异的思想相斥,随着时间进程,它们会“被孤立”,从而不断衰弱。Ideas, he said, can attract and combine with other ideas or feelings, or repulse them, rather like magnets. Similar ideas, such as a colour and tone, attract each other and combine to form a more complex idea.However, if two ideas are unalike, they may continue to exist without association. This causes them to weaken over time.

**  赫尔巴特认为人脑中存在一个“意识阈限”,它就像一道及格线一样。当两个思想相斥时,就如同开始了角斗,化作两股力量。占下风的一方被推下阈限,去往赫尔巴特称为“趋势态”——这也就是我们现在说的“无意识”了。So that they eventually sink below the “threshold of consciousness”。Should two ideas directly contradict one another, “resistance occurs” and “concepts become forces when they resist one another”. They repel one another with an energy that propels one of them beyond consciousness, into a place that Herbart referred to as “a state of tendency”.

**  【后续影响】

**  赫尔巴特将意识划分成两部分,用“意识阈限”作为隔开潜意识的栅栏。另外一边,相似相近的想法不断进行结合。赫尔巴特这种结构主义的看法是纯粹简单的。Herbart saw the unconscious as simply a kind of storage place for weak or opposed ideas. In positing a two-part consciousness, split by a distinct threshold, he was attempting to deliver a structural solution for the management of ideas in a healthy mind.

**  1869年另一位德国哲学家Eduard von Hartmann(1842-1906)出版了他广为流传的作品《无意识的哲学》,将人们引进了无意识的世界。1869 German philosopher Eduard von Hartmann publishes his widely read Philosophy of the Unconscious.

**  1895年,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)和约瑟夫·布罗依尔(Josef Breuer)出版了《癔症研究(Studies on Hysteria)》,用一种更为复杂的观点揭示了何为“无意识”。But Sigmund Freud was to see it as a much more complex and revealing mechanism. 1895 Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer publish Studies on Hysteria, introducing psychoanalysis and its theories of the unconscious.

**  弗洛伊德将赫尔巴特的观点和自己的理论结合起来,这为20世纪最为重要的心理诊疗手段——心理分析学埋下根基。He combined Herbart's concepts with his own theories of unconscious drives to form the basis of the 20th-century's most important therapeutic approach: psychoanalysis.

**  1912年弗洛伊德的同事、瑞士心理分析学家荣格(Carl Jung,1875-1961)将潜意识的研究上升到群体层面。在著作《无意识心理学》中,他提出所有人都共有一个具备文化特异性的无意识。1912 Carl Jung writes The Psychology of the Unconscious, suggesting that all people have a culturally specific collective unconscious.

**  弗洛伊德(前左)与荣格(前右)




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