

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-01-18 19:04 被阅读0次


周五会轻松很多吗?我竟然是第一个8.30 batch开始练习的,估计8点开始,9.30我已经出去了,老大过来看到我站立起身最后一个就说:Lin,up!我很轻松的说: yes!然后问我:did u do "pusana"?



回去兴奋的去Anu cafe buffet lunch, met Prema, both want to be alone, but food is great, 250rp only, I was so full that I do not want to have kulfi, worked a bit, feel sleepy for sure, listening to philosopher talk,感谢julieta和maxi,哲学课结束谈到Edwinbryan,真的好棒。我说Life is so suffering, no way out, 她们说:sutra 1 is hard, sutra 2 will provide solution.

Richard Freeman book:

Some of us are too prāṇic, avoiding the sensations associated with exhaling and getting lost in imagination, floating off the face of the earth in our minds. Others favor the exhalation and become too apānic, with a rigid, boring, or depressed point of view. 我喜欢呼气时间长,就是后者谈到的问题。

卷腹窍门:Start releasing the pressure from the hands, and then press harder with one hand than with the other hand. This will cause the muscles on that side only to stand out, and the oblique muscles on the same side will start to tone. Practice this until you can contract both sides independently. Next, practice rolling the contraction from side to side by alternating the pressure of the hands on the thighs. One direction is usually easier than the other, but practice rolling in both directions diligently.还没试过,周日吧!

把I换成we,Illbeing变成 well-being !

浦东和新泽西就是sharath center,每天都是一早晨时间在那里,结束迫不及待离开,和在新浙西和浦东工作心里一样,associated with work!S建造新的宿舍,我没啥兴趣。



contemplating of any objects pleasing the mind, different with thinking something, something attached, we can be with it, not desiring it or thinking of it, e.g. OM

we think object of cow, name of cow, idea of cow, we are the cow!

no need to be born, world is suffering

true self is seed of tree and tree, not seer of tree; not seer of ocean, we are ocean

need see movie Matrix 3

words are seduction, can not get us out of Maya, words needed to be wordless

I am awareness, I know the ocean is wrong.

谢尔盖·布勃卡撑杆跳,pole making me jump so high I do not want to throw away; or carrying boat since it helps us cross the river.

just rest, from becoming!


5点和Mariana约好去concert,拉丁迟到不稀奇,James there我几乎忘了他,第一排Meeting a music critics 非常热情,出来后也是一个当地girl to point out road for taxi driver。

表演长达3个小时,6.18开始,我们8.18走的,Improvising完全没有乐谱!两个小时震耳欲聋的小提琴,倒放在地上适应当地人坐在地上演奏,harmonie也是同样调整,两个头发爆炸音乐家犹如many lives of musician, crazy, for 8 limps plus one, 我认为比瑜伽练习者8肢还多出一肢,能量超强,两个大鼓和拍vase,很有意思,印度当地人一直打拍子,音乐家犹如联通god,不是发出喃喃声,很有意思。

之后和M谈到她的sex with Indian: they are cold after sex, I am hot; do not take practice so serious, have fun in limited time;

我问她mysore和bolivia,what is real life? she is working for  Colorado company for administration work 9 years to pay the bill, Bolivian visa to EU is not easy but want to Madrid S tour.  both Leos are laughing hard. 还是9点睡觉,super!

Lakshmia唱颂后提到自己小时后几乎死去,一个陌生人给了100rp,就活了,断定自己 Good karma,ok!今天提到任何事情都要出于Good intension,一个供奉女孩子咬了给rama的每个水果,断定好吃后才给rama吃!



