beautiful scenery in my hometown
Here is the "Jingzhou" in Hubei. The land of fish and rice. China's granary. Three kingdoms. Vibrant new city. Historical and cultural city "Jingzhou". Through the millennium Chudu, "cut off Jingshan Yumai, watch the two lakes plain". "Jingzhou" Humin Jianghan Plain, The water is connected to the east and west, the road to the north and south, the north to the Xiangyang, and the south to the Xiaoxiang, is a rare place in southern China. It is a famous historical and cultural city in China, the birthplace of Chu culture, and a cultural center of the Three Kingdoms.
beautiful scenery in my hometown
“荆州”,正穿越千年楚都, “隔断荆山余脉,守望两湖平原”,走向开放奋进的新时代!
“荆州” 自古虎踞江汉平原,水通东西,路通南北,北望襄阳,南至潇湘,是中国南方不可多得的富庶之地。这里是中国历史文化名城,楚文化发祥地,三国文化重镇。屈原在荊州创作了“楚辞”, 关羽在荆州“桃源结义”,诸葛亮在荆州唱响“空城计”,楚相孙叔敖曾在荆州为一方百姓筚路蓝缕,让荊州百姓瞻仰至今; 楚文王曾在荆州建都,称霸春秋......魅力古城,楚天新姿,奏响新时代楚文化的新乐章!
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown
beautiful scenery in my hometown