

作者: 小饼干310 | 来源:发表于2022-03-17 00:48 被阅读0次



Last night I went to the supermarket on the way to see the nucleic acid test, leaving the nucleic acid test can be counted as the first time. Out of breath, poke nose yesterday is too uncomfortable, tears brush down also slowed down half a day.


I've always thought of myself as a bit of a shut in, and it's perfectly fine to stay at home for a week or two. But now the neighborhood is suddenly closed, not to go out, my out-of-town DNA moved, Crazy Want to go out to walk around. Of course, for safety's sake, I didn't. I just stood in the hallway, patted the flowers in the park, and pretended to go to the park.


Being at home on your own initiative is not quite the same as being passively at home. Being passively at home makes you want to go out very much, every cell in the body is clamoring: "take me out! I want to go out to see the clouds read a book, I want to go out to feel the breath of spring."


I can only say: "very good, please continue to maintain, until this wave of epidemic has passed, we go out for a walk."


When I walked in the park last week, I saw many flowers in bloom. I felt the power of growth for the first time in the park, these lives are trying to bloom, meet the power of spring inexplicably passed on to me, as if my life in the body also began to bloom. It's a bit of a mystery. It's probably the power of life


When I started coaching in 2020, I kept hearing people talk about living with awareness, and I was trying to live with awareness. It has always been about feeling your own emotions, your own state, and improving your awareness of life.


When I felt this sense of power in the park last week, I suddenly felt I was far from living a conscious life. The scope of awareness is not limited to oneself, but can be infinite.


On the other hand, vitality, two weeks ago I received a bunch of peonies. Little brother Hema hurt the "neck" of the peonies in the course of transportation, so they kept their heads down, i had to build them up one layer at a time to keep their heads up.


Some paeonia suffruticosa "neck" injury some severe, has died young. But there are still a few trying to bloom, although they still can not hold up their heads, but you can see that they work hard. These two days, I suddenly found that the picture of the flowers have opened, small peony in the harsh environment is also trying to bloom.


The vitality is very tenacious, the flower bone flower is like this, the human is also like this. Encountered setbacks, chewing and swallowing, what should continue to do, the growth or growth, as long as you want, nothing can stop.


These are today's essays.


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