This book will help you think a little bit more clearly about what you’re choosing to find important in life and what you’re choosing to find unimportant.
This book will turn your pain into a tool, your trauma into power, and your problems into slightly better problems. That is real progress.
1. What does Charles Bukouski's success try to prove?
Answer: Fame and success didn’t make Charles a better person. Nor was it by becoming a better person that he became famous and successful. He knew he was a loser and accepted it.
2. What's wrong with the conventional life advice, which is fixating on what you lack?
It lasers in on what you perceive your personal shortcomings and failures to already be, and then emphasizes them for you.
Conventional life advice—all the positive and happy self-help stuff we hear all the time—is actually fixating on what you lack.
3. Can you use your own words explaining what the Feedback Loop from the Hell is?
It means the more you concern about something, the worse you will finish it. And the condition will become worser and worser.
4. What are the subtleties of not giving a fuck?
Subtlety #1: Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different.
Subtlety #2: To not give a fuck about adversity, you must first give a fuck about something more important than adversity.
Subtlety #3: Whether you realize it or not, you are always choosing what to give a fuck about.
5. What's wrong with being "perpetually entitled to be comfortable and happy at all times?" Can you think of an example to support your answer?
It is a sickness. And it will eat you alive. You will see every adversity as an injustice, every challenge as a failure, every inconvenience as a personal slight, every disagreement as a betrayal. You will be confined to your own petty, skull-sized hell, burning with entitlement and bluster, running circles around your very own personal Feedback Loop from Hell, in constant motion yet arriving nowhere.
My own example: you will be easily angry or upset when something wrong.
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
这两点还是非常反常规的,毕竟当下很多的励志书都在回答幸福是什么,很多的电影,电视剧,文章都在探索生命的意义。中国人以前不会思虑自己活着什么意思,不会考虑怎么活着会更好,因为能够在饥饿和疾病中,中国人能够活下去就是万幸,就像是小说《活着》里面说到,很多的村民突然有一天发现自己腰驼了,牙松了,头发稀疏,已经是老了,却不记得自己这一辈子过了什么样的日子。现在的中国人总是被质疑,你幸福么,你知道幸福是什么样的么?你对自己的这一生,有什么样的规划,怎样能够使自己的生命有意义?答不上来就显得自己太low,好不容易大家开始有了追寻的想法,现在又出现这么一本书告诉你,don't try. 作者要是没有把自己的观点说圆了,就不能够让人相信了。而这个相信,关键看你自己怎么看了。之前看综艺节目《你说的都对》,蔡康永说(大致意思),人文类的观点是有时间限制的,不像数理类是严谨的推算,人文类的观点是自圆其说,一个观点会被另一个观点反驳,从而引起争论,如此看来是蛮有趣的。作者花了一本书去解释自己的新发现和新的生活哲学,对于我来说是接触到一些新的解救自己的途径,多方吸收,在不同的时期用不同的方法,挺好的。
1. Which is why he’s the perfect place to start.
这句话中没有生词,也比较好理解,我是在看第三次的时候决定记住这个词组“the perfect place to start”。 意思是“开始的绝佳点”。我自己在想起点的时候总是不由自主想到point,现在可以用这个替换了。
eg. Reading aloud is the perfect place to start if you want to speak English fluently.
2. And as the stacks of rejection slips piled up, the weight of his failures pushed him deep into an alcohol-fueled depression that would follow him for most of his life.
rejection slips: a printed slip enclosed with a rejected manuscript returned by an editor to an author. 这个词的意思是作者投稿最后被退稿,收到了编辑的来信。(前段时间看《你好,旧时光》里面的米乔偷偷把彦一的画作寄给漫画社,然后就收到了rejection slips。这个词在联想到之前看的电视时,一下子就记住了。)

alcohol-fueled, 在这个词组中,fueled的意思是 a machine or vehicle that is fueled by a particular substance works by burning that substance. (以。。。)作为燃料的。用在这里是很形象的,depression是被酒灌注的,失意和沮丧的感觉就出来了。
[造句] Yan Yi was completely confused of the rejection slip since he himself had never contacted any publishing house.
3. They’re afraid to let anyone get close to them, so they imagine themselves as some special, unique snowflake who has problems that nobody else would ever understand.
snowflake: call someone who gets offended or upset too easily a "snowflake" 容易生气的人这个词是今天在听 BBC The English We Speak 时听到了,所以在文中看到的时候,第一反应是要记住它。
[例句] There are so many places you can express yourself these days but at the same time everyone gets offended so easily. You can see why it's called 'generation snowflake'
[造句] It's difficult and upsetting to have a talk with a snowflake. You may be afraid of the anger in a minute.
