The Subtle of Not Giving a Fuck

The Subtle of Not Giving a Fuck

作者: 飞鸟逐溪 | 来源:发表于2018-01-20 13:32 被阅读47次

And the knowledge and acceptance of your own mundane existence will actually free you to accomplish what you truly wish to accomplish, without judgement or lofty expectations.


Chapter 3: You are not special

1. Things fall apart

2. The tyranny of expectationalism

3. B-b-b-but, if I'm not going to be special or extraordinary, what's the point?


1. What does "entitlement" mean? Can you give an example to explain it?


Entitlement describes one sort of condition in which people are obsessed with their own emotions, high self-esteem or over oppressed, so that they can not treat them calmly nor improve.

For example:

A person who is born to be weaker than other children is spoiled by his/ her parents. As he/she grows older, he/she thought he/she is special and deserved special treatment instead of exercising to be as strong as others.

2. What's the point of telling Jimmy's story?


Jimmy's story is stated to describe detailed behaviors of high self-esteemed people and thus to prove that they talk much but do nothing.

3. Do you think you are special? What's wrong with feeling you are special?


I feel ordinary now. But I used to think I myself suck and the rest of people are awesome when I was in high school.

When you are feeling special, however better or worse than others, you are inclined to expecting special treatments or lacking power to improve.

4. If you're not special, how can we achieve greatness?

True greatness in reality is achieved by constant struggle. People acknowledge their drawbacks and then work hard to improve to become better persistently.


I'm awesome and the rest of you all suck, so  I deserve special treatment.

I suck and the rest of you are all awesome, so I deserve special treatment.





这一章节里提到美国在上个世纪开始high self-esteem movement,从而导致很多的美国人过度相信自己的能力,也就出现了大量的Jimmys。而中国历来尊崇“严师出高徒”,批评式教育下的中国人在很多方面表现出不自信的心理。每个学生的特长不一,中国教育中对孩子学习成绩的过度重视导致孩子其他方面的能力不能充分发展,孩子的自信心也就越来越少了。书中提到“time and energy is limited so we can do something exceptional at one aspect.” 让孩子达到通识教育课程,在此基础上学习和拓展个人才能,才会更好的使孩子达到心理平衡和追求自己的人生。中国还有句古话“三百六十五行,行行出状元”,前提是脚踏实地。2018年1月14日是中国“汉语拼音之父”——周有光去世两年的日子,我在一篇公众号上看到了他的生平介绍,按照别人的理解,先生是优秀中的优秀,但是先生自己却说:




On any given day, if you asked him what he was doing, he'd rattle off the name of some firm he was consulting with, or he'd describe a promising medical app he was looking for angel investors to fund...

rattle off

[释义] rattle something off: to say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily fro m memory.

[例句] Chris rattled off some statistics about the teams.

[造句] Students are expecting to have history classes because their history teacher can rattle off relevant stories of some history events to amuse them.

People who laughed at him or hung up on him were, in his mind, "missing the opportunity of their lives."

hang up on

[释义] to finish a telephone conversation

[例句] Don't hang up on me.

[造句] It's polite to say goodbye and wait for the other talker to hang up on you.

Entitlement is impervious.


[释义] Not before noun: (formal) not affected or influenced by something and seeming not to notice it

impervious to

[例句] His ego was impervious to self-doubt.

[造句] I am impervious to outside sounds while reading novels or watching movies.

He bends over and puts his elbows on the floor knees, making his face level with mine.

level with

[释义] two things that are level are at the same height as each other

[例句] Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen.

[造句] If you take a plane, your sight view is level with a bird.

Commit to memory

Stoned a majority of the time, and spending as much money in bars and fine restaurants as he did on his "business ideas".



    本文标题:The Subtle of Not Giving a Fuck
