

作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2019-11-09 13:44 被阅读0次


1.gradually and eventually

2.survive and thrive

3.educate and enlighten

4.harmonious, prosperous and vigorous

5.prevalent and pervasive

6.void and vain

7. modesty and humility

8. effectively and efficiently

9.unimaginable and uncontrollable

10.accepted, respected, appreciated and advocated

11.uneasy,.unpredictable and unpleasant

12.wealth always follows woe

13.thorns and thistles

14.the flotsam and jetsam of daily life 沉浮

15.turn our minds inwards and outwards

16.I live within and without.

17.unrestrained and unconstrained

18.fearless and dauntless

19.toil and moil

20.separation and desperation

21.refused and abused

22.fact and fancy(替换 reality and imagination)

23. motionless and wordless

24.wavering and wandering

25.toss and turn

26.complaint and condemnation

27.brain and brawn

With only 3% of Amercians in agricultural today, brain has supplanted brawn, yet cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break.

28.wax and wane


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