Status Shuffle状态洗牌
Another perceived impediment to effective teamwork is the way status is recognized within a corporate climate. Even when a team is composed of members who want to be there, are committed to the process, and are willing to communicate openly with each other, a team’s progress can be hobbled by the simple fact that team members are at different levels within a company hierarchy.
Once a team gets working, that initial willingness to communicate can go right out the window if nobody feels comfortable disagreeing with the VP at the end of the table or nobody considers that the new junior salesperson might have something worthwhile to say.
I like to think of our positions within a company as a combination of rank and status. Your job title is your rank and responsibilities within an organization. Your status is given to you by other people, or taken away by other people (either to your face or behind your back). In most cases someone with a high rank is going to be granted a great deal of status by coworkers—that’s the nature of a corporate ladder. Status isn’t just granted in regard to rank however; it depends on competence, communication, work ethic, leadership, personal relationships, and any number of other workplace variables.
When a team is assembled of members who hold different ranks as well as differing status levels, it’s very easy for it to collapse under the weight of all the ensuing deference to hierarchy.11 If a team is to succeed, rank and status must be leveled—at least for specific, strategic periods.
You don’t think status matters? Test it for yourself with this exercise:
• Get a normal deck of 52 playing cards. Divide the deck in half so that you are working with only two suits: one red suit (either hearts or diamonds), and one black suit (spades or clubs).Shuffle these cards.
• Assemble a team of six to ten people.
• Everybody in the group selects one card from the deck, keeping it secret from the group. At this point no one knows what their card means. Put the card face down, to the side. It will not be used in Round 1.
Round 1. Have the team huddle to come up with as many ideas as they can for a holiday party. The ideas should be detailed and cover all bases including specific foods (appetizers, main courses,desserts), drinks, entertainment, decorations, prizes, locations,and so on. This is a numbers game: the group must come up with as many ideas as possible, and you are to give them only 45–60 seconds total. Stop the ideation exercise after that time.
Round 2. All team members take their card and place it in front of them face up so that the other members can see it. Now explain to the group that the rank of one’s card represents one’s status in the group: ace is the lowest status; king is the highest (the suit does not matter). Again, the rank of the card is that person’s status in this meeting. Once each member knows the status of the other members, the group continues the conversation, this time each member playing the status that is on his or her card.
As members interact with each other, remind them tobe aware of the status of the person they are talking to. Givethem three to five minutes for this conversation. Note: Do not remind them that their task is to come up with ideas for the holiday party! Allow them to take natural ownership for the progress of this meeting.
Very often people fall immediately into the trap of using the three to five minutes to emphasize their rank, drive their own agenda, and undercut every idea that isn’t theirs. The group almost completely loses sight of the point of their time together, which is to come up with ideas. They become singularly focused on their own agendas and where they are on the ladder.
Round 3. Now the color of one’s card matters. If one’s card is a red suit, the player aligns and agrees with other red-card holders only;if a black suit, he or she aligns and agrees with other black-card holders only. Encourage the group to interact with one another and to actively form teams within the team. Have them fight for their team’s ideas and put down the other team’s ideas; in other words, lower the other team’s status in the group while actively raising their own team’s status. Give them three to five minutes for this portion of the round. Again, do not remind them that their task is to come up with ideas for the holiday party! Allow them to take natural ownership for the progress of this meeting.
By the time those final three to five minutes are up, a number of people are usually shouting at each other and group ideation has devolved into attacks and accusations. No matter what anyone has to say, no matter what ideas are being presented, everyone is fully consumed with proving their rank, working from their own motivations, and driving their own agenda.
Which round generated the most ideas? The answer is always clear: Round 1. Even though the group had only 45–60 seconds to work with, they got the job done. More ideas were generated in that round than in the second or third rounds of three to five minutes, and usually more than in both of those final rounds combined. The most notable thing about this exercise is how fast people slip from divergent thinking into convergent thinking without realizing that they had the power of choice.
They had a choice to use their rank as motivation to inform both individual and collective perspectives, and they had a choice to use it to drive their individual agendas. The team with a focused goal—a team in which every member was an equally valued participant—got the job done splendidly. The minute that individual agenda became more important than the mission, and teaming within the team took place, the mission failed.
When I run this exercise in my programs and ask participants which round felt more like the meetings everybody is used to going to, just about everybody votes for Round 2 or 3. Those rounds exem�plify what happens so often in real-world business situations: goals get knocked sideways by a room full of rank, status, emotions, personal agendas, and personal alliances.
These can be difficult traps to avoid, though again, not every team in a business is going to be—or needs to be—a perfectly egalitarian democracy. There are certainly situations in which the status and company hierarchy is appropriate within the team. However, we’re looking at what goes wrong within teams, and if your team is struggling with communication, teamwork, trust, morale, creativity, risk taking,or adaptability, there’s a fair chance that its troubles are related to howstatus is being played out within the group.
If a person is speaking as a job title rather than as a team member, the team is going to be negatively impacted.12 Few things squash open communication faster than a higher-up speaking from on high. There may be times when people need to marry themselves to a specific agenda that is basedon their rank and job title; yet if that agenda doesn’t fit with a team’s agenda, the team suffers as do the individuals within it. Alignment is imperative.
All of the outside measures of status that we bring with us to a team are much better set aside when a team begins to work together.Exhibiting your own status is not synonymous with achieving a team goal, and if you’re mostly concerned with the betterment of your own position rather than that of the team, you are working against the team (and quite possibly lowering your position outside the team).
If cliques—teams within the team—form around perceived status of members and begin to undermine each other, that works against the team’s success. If you are concerned with giving credit to an idea because you happen to like the person who comes up with it, or discrediting an idea because it comes from someone else, there’s little chance the best ideas will get the support required from the team (recall Del Close’s improv adage: “The worst idea with great support will go much further than the best idea with no support”).
如果团体(团队内部的团队)围绕着成员的感知状态形成并开始互相破坏,那么这不利于团队的成功。如果您是因为喜欢某个创意的人而想赞美某个创意,或者因为某个创意来自别人而让一个创意声名狼藉,那么最好的创意很少会得到团队的支持(召回Del Close的即兴格言:“有最好支持的最坏主意比没有支持的最佳主意要远得多”。
In the fall of 2014 in a Duke Fuqua Exec Ed program, I had the experience of running a “status leveling” exercise similar to the one I described above with a group that included a U.S. Navy captain who had been one of my biggest improv skeptics. Time after time as we ran through exercises, he didn’t feel he was getting any usable takeaways (“I can’t imagine going back to my superiors and suggesting any of this.
2014年秋天,在杜克·富夸(Duke Fuqua)Exec Ed计划中,我经历了一次与我上述类似的“状态平衡”练习,其中包括一个美国海军上尉,他是我最大的即兴怀疑论者之一。在我们进行练习时,他一次又一次地感到自己没有得到任何有用的收获(“我无法想象回到上司并提出任何建议。
We don’t have time for this”.) In the status exercise his group had fantastic success coming up with ideas in the first, 45-second round; then it promptly imploded, generating zero ideas in ten minutes from rounds two and three combined.
The impact of this destructive meeting and the idea of setting rank aside—for a brief period, even within a hierarchy such as the military that functions on rank—hit the captain like a torpedo. Status leveling was now something he could make time for, and from that point forward the captain became the biggest improv advocate in the class, creating strong links to real-world applicability and discovering places to use a variety of improvisational tools and techniques, even within the ranked hierarchy of the military.
That captain’s “conversion” always puts me in mind of the team dynamics of an exceptionally high-functioning military team who know how to level status very effectively: the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels squadron is the United States Navy’s premier flight demonstration team, performing all across America. These flying aces are famous for their precision formations and coordinated, split-second maneuvering—a thrilling sight to anyone who’s ever watched them in action. What may be less known is how the team conducts postflight team debriefings, in which they beautifully demonstrate status leveling.
At the beginning of debriefings the members of the Angels liter�ally remove their rank, pulling off their varying stripes and insignias and setting them aside: rank is not useful in getting the most honest assessment of what went wrong and right with a flight, so—for the meeting—it is suspended.
The only moment in which rank matters comes at the start of the debriefing, when the team captain speaks first and lets the other pilots know what he did wrong and how he could improve. With that example set, everyone else in the room is compelled to speak just as freely about what they can do to improve their performance. Every Angel ends his contribution to the debriefing by saying “Glad to be here”—a simple credo that powerfully puts the team and the operation above the individual.