

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2018-01-18 20:29 被阅读38次

Trumplomacy: Has Trump made the world more dangerous?


选自BBC, 英文原文网址为:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42709360

1.The world has become a more uncertain place since US President Donald Trump issued his "America First" decree in the dark and dystopian language that so alarmed allies and intrigued adversaries. But has it become more dangerous?

先解释一下什么是“America First”decree: 特朗普在任职演讲中宣称,从今往后“唯有美国第一”,他将以“购买美国货”和“雇佣美国人”为执政准则;一对形容词道出了作者的心声----特朗普的“美国第一”言论又黑暗又反人类(dark and dystopian),其中从外形上看,“dystopian”是“utopian”的好姐妹,意为反乌托邦的;一对动词“alarm”和“intrigue”也是一下子就点明了特朗普“美国第一主义“的影响----吓着好基友(alarm allies)同时激怒了敌人(intrigue adversaries)。

2.Not if you look at what's actually happened.

3.President Trump may have stoked fears and churned up chaos with his erratic and volatile Twitter feed. But he has not torpedoed the alliances he has questioned.

这篇文章笔风很是俏皮,“stoke”本身含义是添加燃料,而“churn up”本身含义是搅拌,这两个词配合上“fear”以及“chaos”,有一种恐怖气氛愈演愈烈(stoke fear)以及乱世越搅越浑(chun up chaos)之感; “erratic”和“volatile”从含义上看是一对好姐妹,都是反复无常之意;“torpedo”这个词就用的更萌,特朗普给同盟好友们投射鱼雷(torpededo the alliances),想想都很有画面感。

4.He hasn't started any new wars and, by and large, he's followed the script of his predecessor, Barack Obama, for the old ones.

“script”本身含义是剧本,特朗普是个好演员,说他是好演员的原因是因为他按稿子来说台词(follow the script)。

5.So, while he may have shaken things up, he hasn't blown anything up.

这篇文章的笔风还讲究节奏美,“shaken things up”和"blown anything up“就体现出来了,此外,这两个词含义也挺幽默,说特朗普也许会把事情搅成一锅粥(shaken things up),但好在他没有把事情搞得更砸(blown anything up),“blow up”本身含义是爆炸,想破大脑也没有想到一个特别贴切的翻译。

6.But has this unorthodox commander-in-chief edged us closer to some sort of global crisis?

“unorthodox”本身含义是非传统的,不多说;“edge”用的挺俏皮,“edge”本身含义是边缘,有一种快被挤下床拼死挣扎的感觉,床下就是全球危机(global crisis)。

7.Here are my takeaways.


Middle East victory - Islamic State

8.Since he became president, the Islamic State group has been all but defeated in Iraq and Syria - the IS caliphate has been eliminated and its remnants are on the run.

“all but”是个什么东东?看个句子体会体会: Life is all but a dream. 回到这句,特朗普感觉就是伊斯兰国的克星,他一上任,伊斯兰国(the Islamic State group/ the IS caliphate)就在伊拉克和叙利亚(Iraq and Syria)节节败退,不过,残余势力(remnants)还在抗争(on the run)。

9.Yes, the group has spawned active affiliates in other parts of the world, and it's a brand that continues to inspire extremist violence. But its nerve centre has been severed, making its threat less potent.

这一段笔风又俏皮起来,“spawn”本意是鱼虾产的卵,伊斯兰国发展了不少分支机构(affiliates);“nerve centre”本意是神经中枢,这个比喻很形象,伊斯兰国的神经中枢(nerve centre)被切断(sever),威胁也相应减弱(less potent)了。

10.One can argue about whether Mr Trump is entitled to claim credit or whether he simply completed what Mr Obama started. He did follow Mr Obama's template - supporting local forces with bombs from the air and special operations forces on the ground - but accelerated the campaign and gave American commanders more authority to run it.

特朗普是机械式照搬奥巴马呢还是确实有所作为(is entitled to claim credit)呢?

11.That "had a major impact", says Brett McGurk, the special envoy for the global coalition to counter the IS group, who has worked for both presidents.

12.Either way, it happened on Mr Trump's watch, and is arguably his biggest foreign policy success.


Middle East instability - Iran

13.A year ago, the Americans and five other world powers had reduced the threat of an Iranian atomic bomb with an agreement that limited its nuclear programme.

伊朗核武器问题(nuclear programme)也是美国的一个关键性外交问题。

14.The deal is broadly seen to be working, but Mr Trump says it's deeply flawed and needs to be "fixed". He's threatening to abandon it unless the Europeans who helped negotiate it take a harder line.

这段笔风有点家长里短的味道,先是严重错误(deeply flawed),然后是需要改正(needs to be fixed),最后是威胁退出( threatening to abandon),不仅是画面感了,这一段完全是视频感了。

15.Mr Trump wants to make the nuclear restrictions permanent, restrict Iran's ballistic weapons programme and counter "malign" Iranian activities not covered in the accord, such as its support for regional proxies that threaten Western allies.


16.These are things the Europeans agree need to be addressed, but not by enfeebling the nuclear deal which, they say, is crucial to their security.

17.There are three potential dangers if the agreement unravels - greater instability in the Middle East, especially given Trump's strong support for Iran's regional rival, Saudi Arabia; and a weakening of the transatlantic alliance, which has been a cornerstone of global security since World War Two.

这一段直接点出危险,一是中东地区的不稳定(instability),二是跨大西洋联盟力量的减弱(weakening of the trasatlantic alliance),三见下一段。

18.It could also undermine the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on which the Iran deal was built, says Angela Kane, until recently the UN's top disarmament official: "We need to have this as a gold standard."

三是逐渐削弱核不扩散条约(undermine the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)的影响力。





