- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
On sports technology 3
Still, technology isn't the only thing pushing athletes forward.
Still还; 还是; 仍然; 依旧; 但; 不过; 还要,更; 静止的; 平静的; 安静的; 寂静的; 无风的; 不含碳酸气的; 不起泡的; 定格画面; 剧照; 蒸馏器; 静止,平静,安静
isn信息系统及网络公司; 战俘编号;拘留犯编号(Internment Serial Number); 以色列海军
thing东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具
pushing接近,将近; 推动; 移动; 推进; 挤开; 促使; push的现在分词
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
forward向前; 进展; 前进; 向将来; 往后; 向前的; 前进的; 前部的,前面
While indeed we haven't evolved into a new species in a century, the gene pool within competitive sports most certainly has changed.
While在…期间; 当…的时候; 与…同时; …而,…然而; 一段时间; 一会儿; 消磨; 轻松地度过
indeed强调肯定的陈述或答复; (用于very和形容词或副词之后,强调叙述、描写等)真正地
haven安全的地方; 保护区; 避难所; 把开进港; 为…提供避难场所; 掩护
evolved逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变; 进化; 进化形成; evolve的过去分词和过去式
gene pool基因库
within不出; 在之内; 在之间; 在里面; 在内部
competitive sports竞技运动,竞技体育
certainly无疑; 确定; 肯定; 当然; 行
In the early half of the 20th century, physical education instructors and coaches had the idea that the average body type was the best for all athletic endeavors: medium height, medium weight, no matter the sport.
instructors教练; 导师; 讲师; instructor的复数
coaches教练; 私人教师; 考前辅导教师; 长途汽车; 长途客车; 训练,培养,指导; 辅导; 指示; 特殊指导; 专门传授; coach的第三人称单数和复数
for all虽然;尽管
athletic健壮的; 体育运动的; 田径运动的
height身高; 高; 高度
no matter不介意,不要紧; 不管,不论
And this showed in athletes' bodies.
In the 1920s, the average elite high-jumper and average elite shot-putter were the same exact size.
average平均的; 典型的; 正常的; 普通的; 平常的; 一般的; 平均数; 平均水平; 一般水准; 平均为; 计算出…的平均数
elite上层集团; 掌权人物,社会精英
werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等
same同一的; 相同的; 相同的,一模一样的; 同样的事物,相同的事物; 相同,一样; 同一个人; 同样
exact精确的; 准确的; 严谨的; 严格的; 一丝不苟的; 精密的; 严密的; 要求; 索取; 迫使; 强迫; 强求
size大小; 大量; 大规模; 尺码; 号; 标定…的大小; 确定…的尺寸; 改变…
But as that idea started to fade away, as sports scientists and coaches realized that rather than the average body type, you want highly specialized bodies that fit into certain athletic niches, a form of artificial selection took place, a self-sorting for bodies that fit certain sports, and athletes' bodies became more different from one another.
fade away逐渐变暗,逐渐模糊看不见
highly specialized高度专业的
fit into融入; 与…相处融洽; 归属,适于
form of用……构成
artificial selection人为选择;人工选种
Today, rather than the same size as the average elite high jumper, the average elite shot-putter is two and a half inches taller and 130 pounds heavier.
elite上层集团; 掌权人物,社会精英
high jumper跳高运动员
inches英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米,1英尺等于12英寸); 少量; 短距离; 谨慎移动; inch的第三人称单数和复数
taller高的; 高大的; 有…高,身高; tall的比较级
pounds英镑(英国货币单位,等于100便士); 镑; 英镑与外币的比值; 反复击打; 连续砰砰地猛击; 咚咚地走; 狂跳,怦怦地跳; pound的第三人称单数和复数
heavier 英 [ˈhɛvɪə] 美 [ˈhɛviər] adv.大量地;笨重地adj.重的;沉的;(在数量、程度等方面)超出一般的,比一般严重的;大而结实的;不精致的heavy的比较级
And this happened throughout the sports world.
In fact, if you plot on a height versus mass graph one data point for each of two dozen sports in the first half of the 20th century, it looks like this.
In fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说
plot故事情节; 布局; 阴谋; 密谋; 小块土地; 暗中策划; 画出,标出; 绘制
height身高; 高; 高度
versus对,诉,对抗; 与…相对,与…相比
mass团; 块; 堆; 大量; 许多; 一群,一堆; 大批的; 数量极多的; 广泛的; 集结; 聚集
graph图; 图表; 曲线图
data point选取数据点;取值点
dozen打; 十二个; 十来个; 十几个; 十多个; 许多; 很多
first half上半场;前半场
There's some dispersal, but it's kind of grouped around that average body type.
some一些,若干; 某些,部分,有的; 好些; 不少的; 相当多的; 有些人,有些事物; 部分; 有的; 有些; 若干; (用于数词前,意同approximately)大约,差不多; 稍微; 有点
dispersal分散; 疏散; 散布
kind of稍微; 有几分; 有点儿
grouped成群,成组,聚集; 将…分类; 把…分组; group的过去分词和过去式
around大约; 周围; 四周; 围绕; 环绕; 在那边; 到那边; 从那边; 绕着
average平均的; 典型的; 正常的; 普通的; 平常的; 一般的; 平均数; 平均水平; 一般水准; 平均为; 计算出…的平均数
Then that idea started to go away, and at the same time, digital technology, first radio, then television and the Internet gave millions, or in some cases billions of people a ticket to consume elite sports performance.
go away离开; 消失; 外出
at the same time同时; 然而;不过
in some cases在某些情况下; 有时候
ticket票; 券; 车票; 戏票; 入场券; 奖券; 彩票; 标签; 售票; 给…门票; 送票; 发出交通违章通知单
consume消耗,耗费; 吃; 喝; 饮; 使充满
elite上层集团; 掌权人物,社会精英
The financial incentives and fame and glory afforded elite athletes skyrocketed, and it tipped toward the tiny upper echelon of performance.
incentives激励; 刺激; 鼓励; incentive的复数
fame名声; 声誉; 名气; 使闻名; 使出名; 使有名望; <古>盛传
glory荣誉; 光荣; 桂冠; 赞颂,赞美,崇拜; 壮丽; 辉煌; 灿烂; 夸耀; 得意
afforded买得起; 做,能做; 承担得起; 提供; 给予; afford的过去分词和过去式
skyrocketed飞涨; 猛涨; skyrocket的过去分词和过去式
tipped倾斜,翻覆; 倒出; 倾倒; 倾覆; 轻触; 轻碰; tip的过去分词和过去式
toward向;朝;面对; 倾向于; 趋向于; 对;对于;关于
tiny极小的; 微小的; 微量的
echelon职权的等级; 阶层; 梯形编队,梯队
It accelerated the artificial selection for specialized bodies.
accelerated加速; 加快; accelerate的过去分词和过去式
artificial selection人为选择;人工选种
specialized专用的; 专业的; 专门的; 专门研究; 专攻; specialize的过去分词和过去式
bodies身体; 躯体; 躯干; 尸体; 死尸; body的第三人称单数和复数
And if you plot a data point for these same two dozen sports today, it looks like this.
plot故事情节; 布局; 阴谋; 密谋; 小块土地; 暗中策划; 画出,标出; 绘制
data point选取数据点;取值点
these这些,他们; 这些; 一些
same同一的; 相同的; 相同的,一模一样的; 同样的事物,相同的事物; 相同,一样; 同一个人; 同样
dozen打; 十二个; 十来个; 十几个; 十多个; 许多; 很多
sports体育运动; 朋友,老兄,哥们儿; 得意地穿戴; 夸示; 故意显示; 开心活泼地玩; 嬉戏; sport的第三人称单数和复数
today在今天; 在今日; 现在; 当今; 当代; 今天; 今日
The athletes' bodies have gotten much more different from one another.
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
bodies身体; 躯体; 躯干; 尸体; 死尸; body的第三人称单数和复数
gotten得到; 美国英语中get的过去分词
much more更; 何况
And because this chart looks like the charts that show the expanding universe, with the galaxies flying away from one another, the scientists who discovered it call it "The Big Bang of Body Types."
chart图表; 海图; 每周流行唱片排行榜; 记录,跟踪; 计划行动步骤; 制订计划; 绘制的地图
charts图表; 海图; 每周流行唱片排行榜; 记录,跟踪; 计划行动步骤; 制订计划; 绘制的地图; chart的第三人称单数和复数
galaxies星系; 银河; 银河系; 群英; 人才荟萃; galaxy的复数
flying能飞的; 乘飞机; 飞行; 飞行器驾驶; 飞; 飞翔; 飞行,航行; 航行,飞行; fly的现在分词
scientists科学家; scientist的复数
discovered发现; 发现,找到,发觉; 了解到; 认识到; 查明; discover的过去分词和过去式
Big Bang创世大爆炸
1.Why did coaches begin to move away from average body size?
they realized different body types were better suited for different sports.
2.What was a result of moving towards more specialized body types?
It accelerated a form of artificial selection for specialized bodies.
3.How did money , fame and glory impact the athletics?
It accelerated a form of artificial selection for athletics.
4.an elite group has
the best, most skilled or most experienced people.
5.how have body types of shot-putter changed from 1920's to today?
They are much bigger and taller today than they were in the 1920's.
6.Why do scientists call the discovery "The Big Bang of Body Types."?
Modern athletes' bodies began to rapidly look different from previous athletes.
7.How did digital technology change the nature of sports around the world?
New technology made it possible for many more people to follow sports.
8.Dispersal is the process of
spreading things over a wide area or in different directions.
9.What does Epstein say about gene pool in sports?
The gene pool within competitive sports has changed.
10.which of following best describes financial incentives?
being paid a lot of money
Fill in the blanks:
In the early half of the 20th century, physical education instructors and coaches had the idea that the average body type was the best for all athletic endeavors: medium height, medium weight, no matter the sport.
In sports where height is prized, like basketball, the tall athletes got taller.
In 1983, the National Basketball Association signed a groundbreaking agreement making players partners in the league, entitled to shares of ticket revenues and television contracts.
National Basketball Association全国篮球协会; 缩写词为NBA
signed签; 署; 签字; 签署; 和…签约; 示意; 打手势; sign的过去分词和过去式
groundbreaking开创性的; 创新的; 革新的
players游戏者; 运动员; 参赛选手; 参与者,竞争者,玩家; 播放机; player的复数
league联合会,联赛; 等级,级别,水平; 联盟; 同盟; 结盟; 联合[团结]; 一鼻孔出气; 组成联盟
entitled to有权享有; 有资格; 有…资格的
shares共有; 合用; 分配; 分摊; 分享; 共享; 一份; 正常的一份; 可接受的一份; share的第三人称单数和复数
ticket票; 券; 车票; 戏票; 入场券; 奖券; 彩票; 标签; 售票; 给…门票; 送票; 发出交通违章通知单
revenues财政收入; 税收收入; 收益; revenue的复数
contracts合同; 合约; 契约; 协议; 收缩,缩小; 感染; 得; 与…订立合同; contr
Suddenly, anybody who could be an NBA player wanted to be, and teams started scouring the globe for the bodies that could help them win championships.
Suddenly突然; 忽然; 猛地; 骤然
anybody同 anyone; 任何人
wanted受通缉的; 要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; want的过去分词和过去式
teams队; 组,班; 一组牲畜,联畜; 使互相配合; 使协作; 使合作; team的第三人称单数和复数
started开始,着手,动手; 发生,开始进行; 开动; 发动; 启动; start的过去分词和过去式
scouring搜寻,搜查,翻找; 擦净,擦亮; 冲刷成; 冲刷出; scour的现在分词
globe地球仪; 地球,世界; 球体; 球状物; 成球状
bodies身体; 躯体; 躯干; 尸体; 死尸; body的第三人称单数和复数
championships锦标赛; 冠军地位; championship的复数
Almost overnight, the proportion of men in the NBA who are at least seven feet tall doubled to 10 percent.
Today, one in 10 men in the NBA is at least seven feet tall, but a seven-foot-tall man is incredibly rare in the general population ,so rare that if you know an American man between the ages of 20 and 40 who is at least seven feet tall, there's a 17 percent chance he's in the NBA right now.
at least至少,不少于; 至少,最不济; 至少,起码; 起码,不管怎样
tall高的; 高大的; 有…高,身高
incredibly极端地; 极其; 令人难以置信
you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗
ages年龄; 年龄段; 时代,时期; 变老; 使显老; 使变老; 使苍老; 成熟,变陈; age的第三人称单数和复数
right now现在;此时此刻
That is, find six honest seven footers, one is in the NBA right now.
And that's not the only way that NBA players' bodies are unique.
This is Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man," the ideal proportions, with arm span equal to height.
Man成年男子; 男人; 人类; 人; 在…岗位上工作; 操纵; 配备; 嘿,天哪
ideal完美的; 理想的; 最合适的; 想象的; 不切实际的; 理想; 看似完美的思想; 完美的人
proportions部分; 份额; 比例; 倍数关系; 正确的比例; 均衡; 匀称; proportion的复数
with和…在一起; 和; 同; 跟; 有; 具有; 带有; 用; 使用; 以; 借
arm臂; 手臂; 上肢; 袖子; 扶手; 武装; 装备; 备战; 给…装上引信; 打开…的保险; 准备发射; 使随时爆炸
span持续时间; 范围; 包括的种类; 墩距,跨距,跨度; 持续; 贯穿; 包括; 涵盖; 横跨; 跨越
equal to等于
height身高; 高; 高度
My arm span is exactly equal to my height.
Yours is probably very nearly so.
But not the average NBA player.
The average NBA player is a shade under 6'7", with arms that are seven feet long.
Not only are NBA players ridiculously tall, they are ludicrously long.
players游戏者; 运动员; 参赛选手; 参与者,竞争者,玩家; 播放机; player的复数
tall高的; 高大的; 有…高,身高
long长的; 长; 长时间的; 长久的; 长期的; 长期地; 长久地; 很久地; 用于
Had Leonardo wanted to draw the Vitruvian NBA Player, he would have needed a rectangle and an ellipse, not a circle and a square.
wanted受通缉的; 要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; want的过去分词和过去式
draw画,描绘,描画; 拖; 拉; 牵引; 拉,拖; 吸引,使感兴趣; 抽彩; 抽奖; 抽签; 平局; 和局; 不分胜负
needed需要; 必需; 有必要; need的过去分词和过去式
rectangle长方形; 矩形
a circle一周;一圈
square正方形的; 四方形的; 成直角的; 方的; …见方的; 正方形; 四方形; 正方
So in sports where large size is prized, the large athletes have gotten larger.
Conversely, in sports where diminutive stature is an advantage, the small athletes got smaller.
sports体育运动; 朋友,老兄,哥们儿; 得意地穿戴; 夸示; 故意显示; 开心活泼地玩; 嬉戏; sport的第三人称单数和复数
diminutive极小的; 特小的; 微小的; 指小词,指小词缀(如piglet小猪,kitchenette小厨房); 非正式缩略形式
stature声望; 名望; 身高; 个子
advantage有利条件; 有利因素; 优势; 优点; 占先; 优势分; 使处于有利地位; 有利于; 有助于
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
got得到(get的过去式和过去分词); 抓住
smaller成为小块; 小小地; 小的; 小号的,小型的; small的比较级
The average elite female gymnast shrunk from 5'3" to 4'9" on average over the last 30 years, all the better for their power-to-weight ratio and for spinning in the air.
average平均的; 典型的; 正常的; 普通的; 平常的; 一般的; 平均数; 平均水平; 一般水准; 平均为; 计算出…的平均数
elite上层集团; 掌权人物,社会精英
female女的; 女性的; 雌的; 母的; 妇女的; 女性特有的; 雌性动物; 雌性植物; 雌株; 女子
shrunk缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩; 缩小,减少; 退缩; 畏缩; shrink的过去分词和过去式
on average基本上; 大体上; 平均起来; 按平均值
all the better这样更好; 那更好
ratio比率; 比例
spinning纺线; 纺纱; 动感单车练习; 快速旋转; 急转身,猛转回头,急转弯; 纺; spin的现在分词
in the air可感觉到;可被意识到
And while the large got larger and the small got smaller, the weird got weirder.
The average length of the forearm of a water polo player in relation to their total arm got longer, all the better for a forceful throwing whip.
average length平均距离; 平均时长
forearm前臂; 预先武装; 准备
in relation to关于;与……相比较;涉及
arm臂; 手臂; 上肢; 袖子; 扶手; 武装; 装备; 备战; 给…装上引信; 打开…的保险; 准备发射; 使随时爆炸
longer长期地; 长久地; 很久地; 用于名词后强调某事发生在某整段时间; 长的; 长; 长时间的; 长久的; 长期的; long的比较级
all the better这样更好; 那更好
forceful强有力的; 坚强的; 有说服力的; 强迫的; 使用武力的
throwing投; 掷; 抛; 扔; 摔; 丢; 猛推; 使劲撞; throw的现在分词
whip鞭子; 纪律委员,组织秘书; 投票通知书,投票指示; 鞭打; 鞭策; 以鞭打
And as the large got larger, small got smaller, and the weird weirder.
In swimming, the ideal body type is a long torso and short legs.
swimming游泳; 游泳运动; 游水; 游; 游动; swim的现在分词
ideal完美的; 理想的; 最合适的; 想象的; 不切实际的; 理想; 看似完美的思想; 完美的人
long长的; 长; 长时间的; 长久的; 长期的; 长期地; 长久地; 很久地; 用于名词后强调某事发生在某整段时间; 渴望
torso躯干; 躯干雕像
It's like the long hull of a canoe for speed over the water.
ps: 它就像独木舟的长壳,可以在水上加速。
like相似; 类似; 像; …怎么样; 符合…的特点,像…才会; 喜欢; 喜爱; 喜欢做; 想; 要; 希望; 像…一样; 如同; 好像; 仿佛; 似乎; 喜好; 爱好; 类似的人; 种类,类型; 类似的; 相似的; 大概,可能; 我说,他说,她说; (非正式口语,代替as)和…一样,如,像
long长的; 长; 长时间的; 长久的; 长期的; 长期地; 长久地; 很久地; 用于名词后强调某事发生在某整段时间; 渴望
hull船身; 船体; 剥去外壳; 摘掉花萼
canoe皮划艇; 独木舟; 小划子; 划独木舟
speed速度,速率; 速度; 进度; 快; 迅速; 快速前行; 快速运送; 加速; 促进
over从直立位置向下和向外; 落下; 倒下; 从一侧到另一侧; 翻转; 穿过; 在…上面; 悬在…上面; 向…上方; 从一边到另一边; 穿越; 一轮投球
water水; 大片的水; 水域; 江,河,湖,海; 给…浇水; 灌溉; 充满眼泪;
And the opposite is advantageous in running.
You want long legs and a short torso.
And this shows in athletes' bodies today.
Here you see Michael Phelps, the greatest swimmer in history, standing next to Hicham El Guerrouj, the world record holder in the mile.
you see你瞧,要知道,你是知道的
greatest很好地; 极好地; 很棒地; 大的; 巨大的; 数量大的; 众多的; 很; 非常的; 很多的; 极大的; great的最高级
swimmer会游泳者; 游泳者
in history在历史中
standing长期存在的; 永久性的; 常设的; 站着进行的; 地位; 级别; 身份; 名声; 持续时间; 排名,名次; 站立; 立; 直立; 站起来; 起立; 使直立; 竖放; 使站立; stand的现在分词
next to紧邻; 在…近旁; 仅次于; 紧接; 几乎
world record holder世界纪录保持者
mile英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地
These men are seven inches different in height, but because of the body types advantaged in their sports, they wear the same length pants.
Seven inches difference in height, these men have the same length legs.
1. Why are Michael Phelps and Hicham El Guerrouj body type strange compared to one another?
even though Phelps is much taller than El Guerrouj, they have the same leg length.
2.What contrast does Epstein draw between basketball players and gymnasts?
While basketball players grew taller, gymnasts grew shorter.
3.If something is prized, it is
considered valuable and important.
4.How does the ratio of 7-foot-tall men in the NBA compare to those in the general population?
The ratio of 7-foot players in the NBA is much higher than the general population.
5.Why did NBA teams start scouring the globe for players?
They wanted to find people with a particular body type.
6.A diminutive figure is...
very short or small.
Fill in the blanks:
So in sports where large size is prized, the large athletes have gotten larger. Conversely, in sports where diminutive stature is an advantage, the small athletes got smaller.
Repeat and read the sentences:
1.Not only are NBA players ridiculously tall, they are ludicrously long.
2.Technological advancements have helped swimmers achieve faster times.
3.The introduction of low-fiction swimwear has enabled swimmers to swim faster.
4.In swimming, the ideal body type is a long torso and short legs.
5.that record improved as bicycles improved and became more aerodynamic.