

作者: 雅慧sisi | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 14:13 被阅读2次


    Question: If we carry the joy of love, can we walk the spiritual path with ease?


    Sadhguru: Love is not a joy; it is a deep, wonderful pain. It is a very deep, tearing, wonderful pain. Everything within you should tear – only then you know what love is. If you felt pleasant, that is not love – it is just convenience. Maybe you felt a little affection. But if you felt loving, everything inside you really tears apart. It is painful but wonderful.

    Sadhguru(萨古鲁):爱不是一种喜悦, 而是深刻而美妙的痛。这是一个非常深刻、撕裂、美妙的痛。你内在的一切都会撕裂——只有这时,你才知道爱是什么。如果你感到愉快,那不是爱——那只是为了方便。或许你产生了一点感情;但是,如果你感到了爱,你内在的一切真的会撕裂。它是痛且美妙的。

    When you are in love, everything that you do is love. If you eat, it will be love. Whether you work for that person or you do not do anything for the person and you just sit there, it will be love. But today, we have imbibed this idea, we have started using this term “love making.”


    Only a certain act is supposed to be love. You cannot make love. If you allow it, it may happen to you. Love is never really exclusive. Love includes everything. When you are in love, you look at your dog, you will love it; you look at a tree, you love it; you look at a flower, you love it; you look at the sky, you will love it.


    When you are in love, everything becomes beautiful. If only one person has become beautiful for you, there is no love in you. It is only lust wanting to express itself decently. Love is a quality, not an act.


    Meditation also is a quality, not an act. Spirituality is a quality, not an act. It is a new dimension. It is not something you do, it is something that you move into. It is something that you allow to overpower you. Otherwise there is no spirituality. If you think you are going to become spiritual, it is never going to happen. You become vulnerable, only then there is spirituality. If you stand like a rock, there is no spirituality.








