

作者: 宇宙公民安夫人 | 来源:发表于2024-01-16 04:46 被阅读0次







3 寫下5件值得感恩的事



6. 屬靈常規(研經、禱告、傳道)

7 .冥想靜心

8. 寫書法





另外我還趁風雨停歇的時候,完成了運動健行的自律習慣(回到家時都已經天黑了),雖然在健行的時候,看見許多被暴風狂風暴雨肆虐的大樹被攔腰斬斷或者連根拔起,以及溪流暴漲 .…等等。 但所幸沒有人傷亡。


According to the recent weather forecast, a lightning storm will sweep through the eastern mountains of Tennessee in the afternoon. Soon after finishing brunch, I felt strong winds blowing, and then heavy rain fell... and dark clouds gathered. , thunder and lightning.

In addition to making people feel uneasy, the stormy weather also caused power outages in the mountainous areas and brought down the Internet. Fortunately, my house is equipped with an automatic generator. Although it only generates electricity locally, at least it won't make me blind at night.

When I got up this morning, I had already set a list of tasks that I wanted to complete today. Although the Internet was not restored as scheduled, causing a lot of inconvenience..., with my persistence, I still had the discipline to complete the goals I set, and very quickly Thank you for my positive attitude, which helped me achieve today's goal smoothly and successfully.

"Agenda for finishing today's things today"

1. Write down a list of daily tasks to sort out your day.

2. I dress myself up delicately to please myself and others.

3 Write down 5 things you are grateful for


5. Play the piano

6. Spiritual routine (Bible study, prayer, preaching)

7. Meditation

8. Write calligraphy


"Life Review"

Although the power outage has caused inconvenience to our lives, we are fortunate to have our own power generation equipment. The electric stove and oven in the old house couldn't be used due to the power outage, but fortunately, another house in our house also had a gas stove, so I had the opportunity to cook food for my family.

For dinner today, I used ready-made ingredients to make pan-fried salmon and stir-fried vegetables. Although it is not difficult to do. But it took me a lot of effort to finish the family dinner. Fortunately, everyone at home was very supportive and ate up all the delicious food I cooked.

In addition, I also took advantage of the lull in the wind and rain to complete the self-discipline habit of exercise and hiking. (It was already dark when I got home) .Although while hiking, I saw many large trees that were ravaged by the wind and rain were cut off or uprooted, and streams swelled...and so on. But fortunately there were no casualties.

Although the Internet has not come back so far, at least I have had a fulfilling and satisfying day today. I am a rich person... No matter whether life goes well or not, I am determined to look at things in the best possible way and live every day with an attitude of cherishing and enjoying the moment.

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