
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 22:41 被阅读0次


Tao Ching Chapter Fourteen

What cannot be seen is called the invisible.

What cannot be heard is called the inaudible.

What cannot be touched is called the intangible.

These three cannot be examined and comprehended.

And hence are mixed together as one.

This “Oneness” is not much brighter in the sky, as It is not much dimmer on earth.

It is not more glorious in a saint as It is not more fainter in an ordinary person.

It is everlasting and cannot be named.

It is the original void of “non-being.”

This “Oneness” is the Tao which is invisible, and formless.

It may be regarded as vague and intangible.

When the Oneness Tao comes forward, Its front cannot be seen.

When one tries to follow It, one cannot see its rear.

By abiding with the original Tao, one can master the presence.

He who knows this “Origin,” shall know the teaching and principle of the Great Tao.


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