导入资源 Creator Kit: Beginner Code assets
双击 ExampleScene 打开场景


This is a hack-and-slash
RPG game with a point-and-click
control system.
This means you can click on:
- A location to
there - A target to
- An item to
add it to your inventory
Try attacking the fiendish Training Dummy
to get started. You can zoom in and out
using your scroll wheel.
- hack-and-slash 砍杀
- point-and-click: n. 指向-点击
- add it to your inventory `/ˈɪnvəntɔːri/` 添加到您的库存中
- inventory 库存
✅ Inventory and character stats
Click on the inventory satchel
in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to: 点击屏幕左下角的【库存背包】

- Review character stats (
strength, defense and agility
) 查看角色属性(力量、防御和敏捷) - Review
items (hover the mouse over them to reveal more details) 查看装备和物品库存(将鼠标悬停在上面以查看更多详细信息) -
Use or equip
items by double-clicking the icon 通过双击图标使用或装备物品

You can also 【open/close
】 the inventory with the keyboard shortcut I
✅ Open the SpawnerSample script
When you tested the game in the previous tutorial, you may have noticed that three health potions
appear around the PotionSpawner GameObject
at game start.
- potions: n. 药剂,药水;魔药(potion的复数形式)
- PotionSpawner 药水孵化器,可以产生药水
- select the
LevelDesign > PotionSpawner
GameObject - find the
Spawner Sample (Script)

This component is the script which makes the three potions appear
Double-click the SpawnerSample script
. This is what you will see in the code editor:
using UnityEngine;
using CreatorKitCode;
public class SpawnerSample : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject ObjectToSpawn;
void Start()
int angle = 15;
Vector3 spawnPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * Vector3.right;
spawnPosition = transform.position + direction * 2;
Instantiate(ObjectToSpawn, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
angle = 55;
direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * Vector3.right;
spawnPosition = transform.position + direction * 2;
Instantiate(ObjectToSpawn, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
angle = 95;
direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * Vector3.right;
spawnPosition = transform.position + direction * 2;
Instantiate(ObjectToSpawn, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
✅ Write your own spawner class
using CreatorKitCode;
public class LootAngle
int angle;
int step;
public LootAngle(int increment)
step = increment;
angle = 0;
public int NextAngle()
int currentAngle = angle;
angle = Helpers.WrapAngle(angle + step);
return currentAngle;
修改 SpawnerSample:
public class SpawnerSample : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject ObjectToSpawn;
void Start()
LootAngle myLootAngle = new LootAngle(45);
//every call will advance the angle!
void SpawnPotion(int angle)
int radius = 5;
Vector3 direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * Vector3.right;
Vector3 spawnPosition = transform.position + direction * radius;
Instantiate(ObjectToSpawn, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
✅ Create a new spawning object
Let’s create a different GameObject which spawns money
at game start:
In the Hierarchy
, right-click and select 3D Object > Sphere
from the contextual menu. Rename your new GameObject MoneySpawner
In the Scene
view, use the Move Tool
(shortcut: W) to move the MoneySpawner GameObject next to
the PotionSpawner

接着,给 MoneySpawner
添加一个已有的名为 Spawner Sample

In the Project window, go to Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs/Tutorial
and find the MoneyLoot Prefab

拖拽给 Spawner Sample
的脚本的 Object To Spawn 字段赋值:

✅ Customize the health potions
In this tutorial, you’ll write an effect for those potions
so they give the player character an additional 10 health points
when used.

为“药水”编写代码,玩家使用药水后增加“10 点生命值”。
In the top menu, go to Beginner Code > Create Item Effect

Rename to “AddHealthEffect


go to Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs /ItemDatabase
. Select the Potion

In the Inspector
, use the Add New Effect
drop-down menu to select the AddHealthEffect
. This will appear in the Script field beneath.

- In the Description field, add a description of the effect (for example, “Gives 10 HP”).
✅ Write the effect function
using CreatorKitCode;
public class AddHealthEffect : UsableItem.UsageEffect
public int HealthAmount;
public override bool Use(CharacterData user)
return true;
保存一下,然后就可以看到多了一个 Health Amount 字段,我们设置为10:

✅ Customize your game
This tutorial is a reference guide
for further customization
of the Creator Kit: Beginner Code game.
It provides guidance to help you use script templates
to create :
- Usable items with
Usage Effects
(like the health potion in the final tutorial) - Equipment items with
Equipped Effects
- Weapons with
Weapon Attack Effects
- 具有使用效果的可用物品(如最终教程中的健康药水)
- 具有装备效果的装备物品
- 具有武器攻击效果的武器
➡️ Guide structure
This guide is a tool to help you consolidate your understanding
and experiment with the game, rather than a step-by-step guide.
It might also be a useful environment to apply what you have learnt in other Unity tutorials!
This guide has the following structure:
- How to
create an item type
in Unity Editor 如何在Unity Editor中创建item类型
- How to
create the custom effect script
for that item, and basic guidance on using it 如何为该项目创建自定义效果脚本,以及使用它的基本指导 - How to
apply the effect to the item
✅ Create a Usable Item
What is a Usable Item?
A Usable Item
is an item that the player can use by double-clicking on it
in their inventory
(for example, a health potion).
How do I create a Usable Item
in Unity Editor?
- go to
Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs/InGameItem

- 然后右键,选择 Create > Beginner Code > Usable Item,可以给你自定义的Item起个好记的名字

In the Inspector
, you will see the following fields
(exposed variables):

【Item Sprite】: The Sprite that will be
used in the inventory
for the item. It will alsobe used to display the object in the world
if no World Object Prefab is set (see below). 将在物品库存中使用的精灵。如果未设置世界对象预制件,它也将用于在世界中显示对象(见下文)。 -
【Item Name】: The name of the item that
will appear above it
in the game, andin the tooltip
in the player’sinventory
. 将在游戏中显示在其上方的物品名称,以及玩家物品栏的工具提示中。 -
【Description】: The description of the item that
will be displayed in the tooltip
in the player’sinventory
. 将在玩家物品栏的工具提示中显示的物品描述。 -
【World Object Prefab】: The
3D GameObject
that will be created toshow the Usable Item
in the game world when it is spawned. If this is left empty (null), the itemSprite
will be used instead. 将创建的 3D 游戏对象,用于在生成可用物品时在游戏世界中显示该物品。如果将其留空 (null),则将改用 Sprite 项。 -
【Add New Effect】: A drop-down menu listing the
Usage Effects
you have written.When you write a new effect
, it will appear here. Select a Usage Effect to add it to yourUsable Item
. 一个下拉菜单,列出您编写的Usage Effects
时,它会出现在这里。选择一个Usage Effects
以将其添加到您的Usable Item
In the next step, you’ll learn how to write a Usage Effect script
and apply it to your Usable Item
下一步学习【如何编写使用Usage Effect
脚本】并将其应用于你自定义的Usable Item
✅ Write a Usage Effect
What is a Usage Effect script?
A Usage Effect script specifies what happens when a Usable Item is double-clicked
in the player’s inventory. It is added to a Usable Item Asset in the Editor.
Usage Effect
脚本用于指定玩家在物品栏中双击Usable Item
How do I create a new Usage Effect script?
- In the top menu, go to
Beginner Code > Create Item Effect

点击create :

This creates the script in Assets/Scripts/ItemEffect
and selects it in the Editor.

using CreatorKitCode;
public class MyItemEffect : UsableItem.UsageEffect
public override bool Use(CharacterData user)
return false;
How do I customize the Usage Effect? 如何自定义Usage Effect?
To customize the Usage Effect
, you need to add instructions
to the Use
public override bool Use(CharacterData user)
return false;
- 参数
CharacterData user
- 该游戏中只有一个玩家角色(驼鹿)可以使用物品
- 你可以使用user这个参数访问角色的
How do I find out more about the custom CharacterData class?
如何找到有关自定义 CharacterData

点击 Open Documentation ,打开如下页面:

- select API Documentation.
- In the filter bar, search for “CharacterData”.

➡️ How do I set the return value
for the Usable Item?
The Use function returns a Boolean
value (true or false). Set it to:
if the object is used and removed from the player’s inventory (if it's a stack of objects, the count will be reduced by one). 如果物品被使用并从玩家的物品库存中移除(如果它是一组物品,数量会减少一个)。 -
if the object can’t be used (for example, you can test if health is already at maximum before adding health, and return false if it is so that a health potion won’t be wasted). 如果物品无法使用(例如,在添加血量之前可以测试是否已经达到最大值,如果是则返回false,以避免浪费血药)。
✅ Apply the Usage Effect
script to the Usable Item
In the Project window, select the Usable Item
you have created :
选择你创建的Usable Item

find the Add New Effect field
. Select your Usage Effect
from the drop-down menu.

- Add a Description for the Usage Effect.
- save your changes.
✅ Create an Equipment Item
An Equipment Item
is an item that gives the player character particular attributes when equipped. (Weapons
are a special kind of Equipment Item with additional functionality; this is explored separately later in this guide.)
➡️ How do I create an Equipment Item
in Unity Editor?
到 Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs/InGameItem
路径下, 右键 Create | Beginner Code | Equipment Item,可以重命名一个好记的名字

In the Inspector
, you will see the following fields (exposed variables):

- 【Slot】: The
Equipment Slot
on which theEquipment Item
can beworn
(for example, Head).

Equipment Slot : 装备位置
`worn`: v. 穿;佩戴;磨损(`wear`的过去分词)
`Torso`:n. 躯干;裸体躯干雕像;未完成的作品;残缺不全的东西
`Accessory`:n. 附件, 配件
【Minimum Stats】: The minimum
Strength, Agility, and Defense
status values required to equip the item. If the playerdoesn’t meet the minimum values
for these stats, double-clicking the item in their inventorywon’t do anything
. 必须给准备设置这些最小值,不然这些装备不起任何作用 -
【Add New Effect】: Select an
Equipped Effect
to add it to yourEquipment Item
✅ Write an Equipped Effect script
➡️ What is an Equipped Effect script?
An Equipped Effect script
enables a custom effect when the player equips an item
. It is added to an Equipment Item
or Weapon
in the Editor.
➡️ How do I create a new Equipped Effect script?
go to Beginner Code > Create Equipped Effect.

This creates the script in Assets/Scripts/EquippedEffect
and selects it in the Editor.

using CreatorKitCode;
public class MyEquippedEffect : EquipmentItem.EquippedEffect
public override void Equipped(CharacterData user)
public override void Removed(CharacterData user)
- void Equipped(CharacterData user) 方法
This function is called when the player (user) equips the item
. Use the function to add the effect
— for example, to give the character a +1 Strength stat modifier.
当玩家(用户)装备物品时,将调用此函数。使用该函数添加效果 - 例如,为角色提供 Strength属性+1
TIP: You can use a private variable
to store your chosen modifier
- void Removed(CharacterData user) 方法
This function is called when the player (user) removes the item
. Use this function to remove the effect
on the player character.
✅ Apply the Equipped Effect script
to an Equipment Item
到 Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs/InGameItem
路径下选择你创建的 Equipment Item
,点击 Add new Effect 就会添加1个 Effect:

✅ Create a Weapon
➡️ What is a Weapon?
A Weapon is a special Equipment Item
that you can equip on the character Weapon Slot
In addition to the features of an ordinary Equipment Item
, you can also give a Weapon: 除了【普通装备物品的特性】外,您还可以赋予一个武器:
Stats relating to attack actions: Reach, Speed, Minimum Damage and Maximum Damage. 与
:攻击范围、攻击速度、最小伤害和最大伤害。 -
A Weapon Attack Effect, which enables you to customize what happens when the weapon damages an enemy character. 武器的攻击效果,可让您自定义武器对敌方角色造成伤害时会发生什么。
➡️ How do I create a Weapon in Unity Editor?
和创建 Equipment Item

Weapon Stats:

- 【Speed】: How fast the Weapon attacks. This is the
cooldown time
between two attacks — the lower the value, the faster the next attack. If the value is 0, the next attack willbe performed as soon as
the first animation is finished.
【Minimum Damage】: The minimum amount of damage the Weapon can do, before adding any character modifiers. Damage Done is a
random value
between theMinimum
andMaximum Damage
. -
【Maximum Damage】: 同理
【Range】: The
at which the Weapon can damage an enemy character. If the target character ispast the Range
when the attack should connect, it won't do any damage.
✅ Write a Weapon Attack Effect script
➡️ What is a Weapon Attack Effect script?
A Weapon Attack Effect script enables a customized effect
when the Weapon hits a target
. It is added to a Weapon.

We’ve provided a template script to help you write a Weapon Attack Effect for items:
using CreatorKitCode;
public class MyWeaponEffect : Weapon.WeaponAttackEffect
public override void OnAttack(CharacterData target, CharacterData user, ref Weapon.AttackData attackData)
public override void OnPostAttack(CharacterData target, CharacterData user, Weapon.AttackData data)
- OnAttack 函数
This function is for instructions which
control what
happens when
the Weapon hits an enemy. You can add damage or apply elemental effects to the target using the 【AddDamage
function in attackData
- OnPostAttack 函数
This function is called after all the OnAttack function
instructions are executed. This enables you to customize things that happen in reaction to the total amount of damage the target receives after all OnAttack effects
are applied.
➡️ How do I find out more about the custom Weapon.AttackData class?
同理,在 API Documentation 搜 Weapon.AttackData

✅ Apply the Weapon Attack Effect script to a Weapon

save your changes.
TIP: If you want to remove the Weapon Attack Effect
, select the minus button (-
) to the right of the Script field in the Inspector.
