

作者: 瑜小贤 | 来源:发表于2019-08-07 00:13 被阅读0次


1. 测量performMeasure


2. 布局performLayout


3. 绘制performDraw


1. 测量performMeasure:


private void performMeasure(int childWidthMeasureSpec, int childHeightMeasureSpec) {
        if (mView == null) {
        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "measure");
        try {
            mView.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
        } finally {


public final void measure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

        // Suppress sign extension for the low bytes
        long key = (long) widthMeasureSpec << 32 | (long) heightMeasureSpec & 0xffffffffL;
        if (mMeasureCache == null) mMeasureCache = new LongSparseLongArray(2);


            if (cacheIndex < 0 || sIgnoreMeasureCache) {
                // measure ourselves, this should set the measured dimension flag back
                onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
                mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT;
            } else {
                long value = mMeasureCache.valueAt(cacheIndex);
                // Casting a long to int drops the high 32 bits, no mask needed
                setMeasuredDimensionRaw((int) (value >> 32), (int) value);
                mPrivateFlags3 |= PFLAG3_MEASURE_NEEDED_BEFORE_LAYOUT;


        mOldWidthMeasureSpec = widthMeasureSpec;
        mOldHeightMeasureSpec = heightMeasureSpec;

        mMeasureCache.put(key, ((long) mMeasuredWidth) << 32 |
                (long) mMeasuredHeight & 0xffffffffL); // suppress sign extension

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        setMeasuredDimension(getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec),
                getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec));

protected final void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) {
        boolean optical = isLayoutModeOptical(this);
        if (optical != isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) {
            Insets insets = getOpticalInsets();
            int opticalWidth  = insets.left + insets.right;
            int opticalHeight = insets.top  + insets.bottom;

            measuredWidth  += optical ? opticalWidth  : -opticalWidth;
            measuredHeight += optical ? opticalHeight : -opticalHeight;
        setMeasuredDimensionRaw(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);

private void setMeasuredDimensionRaw(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) {
        mMeasuredWidth = measuredWidth;
        mMeasuredHeight = measuredHeight;

        mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET;

代码逻辑还算是比较清晰的,调用步骤一如开头总结出来的,为了更好的理解View绘制的过程,我们再来理解一个类 MeasureSpec.class


View的布局参数 包含 模式 + 尺寸 的信息
而MeasureSpec 作为一个32位的int值,则记录了 模式 + 尺寸 这些信息
00 000000000000000000000000000000

private static final int MODE_SHIFT = 30;
private static final int MODE_MASK = 0x3 << MODE_SHIFT;
11 000000000000000000000000000000
00 111111111111111111111111111111

  • public static final int UNSPECIFIED = 0 << MODE_SHIFT;
    00 000000000000000000000000000000
  • public static final int EXACTLY = 1 << MODE_SHIFT;
    01 000000000000000000000000000000
    父容器检测出View的大小,View的大小就是SpecSize LayoutParams match_parent 以及 固定大小

  • public static final int AT_MOST = 2 << MODE_SHIFT;
    10 000000000000000000000000000000
    父容器制定一个可用大小,View的大小不能超过这个值,LayoutParams wrap_content


public static int makeMeasureSpec(@IntRange(from = 0, to = (1 << MeasureSpec.MODE_SHIFT) - 1) int size,  
        @MeasureSpecMode int mode) {
    if (sUseBrokenMakeMeasureSpec) {
        return size + mode;
    } else {
        return (size & ~MODE_MASK) | (mode & MODE_MASK);

public static int getMode(int measureSpec) {
    return (measureSpec & MODE_MASK);

public static int getSize(int measureSpec) {
    return (measureSpec & ~MODE_MASK);



  1. LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT :精确模式,窗口大小
  2. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT :最大模式,最大为窗口大小
  3. 固定大小:精确模式,大小为LayoutParams的大小



protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

       super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);



    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        int count = getChildCount();

        final boolean measureMatchParentChildren =
                MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ||
                MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;

        int maxHeight = 0;
        int maxWidth = 0;
        int childState = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (mMeasureAllChildren || child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                measureChildWithMargins(child, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,
                        child.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
                maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight,
                        child.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
                childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, child.getMeasuredState());
                if (measureMatchParentChildren) {
                    if (lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ||
                            lp.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {

        // Account for padding too
        maxWidth += getPaddingLeftWithForeground() + getPaddingRightWithForeground();
        maxHeight += getPaddingTopWithForeground() + getPaddingBottomWithForeground();

        // Check against our minimum height and width
        maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());

        // Check against our foreground's minimum height and width
        final Drawable drawable = getForeground();
        if (drawable != null) {
            maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, drawable.getMinimumHeight());
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, drawable.getMinimumWidth());

        setMeasuredDimension(resolveSizeAndState(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec, childState),
                resolveSizeAndState(maxHeight, heightMeasureSpec,
                        childState << MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT));

        count = mMatchParentChildren.size();
        if (count > 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                final View child = mMatchParentChildren.get(i);
                final MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

                final int childWidthMeasureSpec;
                if (lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                    final int width = Math.max(0, getMeasuredWidth()
                            - getPaddingLeftWithForeground() - getPaddingRightWithForeground()
                            - lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin);
                    childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                            width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                } else {
                    childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec,
                            getPaddingLeftWithForeground() + getPaddingRightWithForeground() +
                            lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin,

                final int childHeightMeasureSpec;
                if (lp.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                    final int height = Math.max(0, getMeasuredHeight()
                            - getPaddingTopWithForeground() - getPaddingBottomWithForeground()
                            - lp.topMargin - lp.bottomMargin);
                    childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                            height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                } else {
                    childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(heightMeasureSpec,
                            getPaddingTopWithForeground() + getPaddingBottomWithForeground() +
                            lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin,

                child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

其中,在for循环中调用了ViewGroup.class的 measureChildWithMargins方法

protected void measureChildWithMargins(View child,
            int parentWidthMeasureSpec, int widthUsed,
            int parentHeightMeasureSpec, int heightUsed) {
        final MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

        final int childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentWidthMeasureSpec,
                mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin
                        + widthUsed, lp.width);
        final int childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(parentHeightMeasureSpec,
                mPaddingTop + mPaddingBottom + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin
                        + heightUsed, lp.height);

        child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

在ViewGroup.class的 measureChildWithMargins方法之中,以及在FrameLayout.class的setMeasuredDimension方法之后,也都调用了ViewGroup.class的getChildMeasureSpec方法:

public static int getChildMeasureSpec(int spec, int padding, int childDimension) {
        int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(spec);
        int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(spec);

        int size = Math.max(0, specSize - padding);

        int resultSize = 0;
        int resultMode = 0;

        switch (specMode) {
        // Parent has imposed an exact size on us
        case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
            if (childDimension >= 0) {
                resultSize = childDimension;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // Child wants to be our size. So be it.
                resultSize = size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                // Child wants to determine its own size. It can't be
                // bigger than us.
                resultSize = size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST;

        // Parent has imposed a maximum size on us
        case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
            if (childDimension >= 0) {
                // Child wants a specific size... so be it
                resultSize = childDimension;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // Child wants to be our size, but our size is not fixed.
                // Constrain child to not be bigger than us.
                resultSize = size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                // Child wants to determine its own size. It can't be
                // bigger than us.
                resultSize = size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST;

        // Parent asked to see how big we want to be
        case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:
            if (childDimension >= 0) {
                // Child wants a specific size... let him have it
                resultSize = childDimension;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                // Child wants to be our size... find out how big it should
                // be
                resultSize = View.sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec ? 0 : size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;
            } else if (childDimension == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
                // Child wants to determine its own size.... find out how
                // big it should be
                resultSize = View.sUseZeroUnspecifiedMeasureSpec ? 0 : size;
                resultMode = MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED;
        //noinspection ResourceType
        return MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(resultSize, resultMode);


protected final void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) {
        boolean optical = isLayoutModeOptical(this);
        if (optical != isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) {
            Insets insets = getOpticalInsets();
            int opticalWidth  = insets.left + insets.right;
            int opticalHeight = insets.top  + insets.bottom;

            measuredWidth  += optical ? opticalWidth  : -opticalWidth;
            measuredHeight += optical ? opticalHeight : -opticalHeight;
        setMeasuredDimensionRaw(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);

private void setMeasuredDimensionRaw(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) {
        mMeasuredWidth = measuredWidth;
        mMeasuredHeight = measuredHeight;

        mPrivateFlags |= PFLAG_MEASURED_DIMENSION_SET;
  • onMeasure方法传入的参数widthMeasureSpec,heightMeasureSpec就是当前容器的测量规格。
  • for循环调用measureChildWithMargins,而这个方法就是测量FrameLayout中子控件的宽高,其中的getChildMeasureSpec方法就是获取子控件的测量规格。

getChildMeasureSpec(int spec, int padding, int childDimension)这个方法有三个参数:
spec 表示父容器的测量规格,
padding 就不说了,
childDimension 子控件的布局参数(MarginLayoutParams)对应的尺寸。
方法中根据父容器的不同mode模式,给子控件的resultSize resultMode赋值。
最后通过MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(resultSize, resultMode)方法将其打包。

  • for循环不是把子View都测量了个遍么,然后调用了一个方法setMeasuredDimension,这个方法是设定父控件自身的宽高的,因为父控件的宽高可能是和子控件的宽高也有关系的。


  • 子View长宽为固定,则无视父类模式,肯定为EXACTLY模式,且长宽都为childSize
  • 子View长宽为match_parent,则跟随父类的模式,且长宽都为parentSize,UNSPECIFIED模式为0
  • 子View长宽为wrap_content,则模式都为AT_MOST,且长宽都为暂定parentSize


->setMeasureDimension() 【getDefaultSize() 】


protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        setMeasuredDimension(getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec),
                getDefaultSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec));

public static int getDefaultSize(int size, int measureSpec) {
        int result = size;
        int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);
        int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);

        switch (specMode) {
        case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:
            result = size;
        case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: 
        case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: 
            result = specSize;
        return result;

自定义View时,如果不重写onMeasure,则match_parent和wrap_content的效果一样。 此时需要视情况决定是否重写onMeasure方法,另需注意,当自定义类型为容器ViewGroup时,重写onMeasure方法要测量子View宽高后再设置自身宽高,非ViewGroup的View则不需测量子View。

2. 布局performLayout


private void performLayout(WindowManager.LayoutParams lp, int desiredWindowWidth,
            int desiredWindowHeight) {
        mLayoutRequested = false;
        mScrollMayChange = true;
        mInLayout = true;
        final View host = mView;
        if (host == null) {
        try {
            host.layout(0, 0, host.getMeasuredWidth(), host.getMeasuredHeight());

        } finally {
        mInLayout = false;

看见 host.layout(0, 0, host.getMeasuredWidth(), host.getMeasuredHeight());,追踪一下View.class的layout方法:

public void layout(int l, int t, int r, int b) {

        int oldL = mLeft;
        int oldT = mTop;
        int oldB = mBottom;
        int oldR = mRight;

        boolean changed = isLayoutModeOptical(mParent) ?
                setOpticalFrame(l, t, r, b) : setFrame(l, t, r, b);

        if (changed || (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) == PFLAG_LAYOUT_REQUIRED) {
            onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);

可以看到有一处调用setFrame方法,就是对mLeft,mTop,mBottom,mRight进行赋值,确定了这四个值,View的位置可以说就固定下来了。然后调用了onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b),但是点进去发现View.class的onLayout方法是空方法,也就是说是留给子类重写的。如果我们自定义的是容器类型的,则需在onLayout里摆放子View的位置,如果我们自定义的是View,则无需重写。

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        layoutChildren(left, top, right, bottom, false /* no force left gravity */);

void layoutChildren(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, boolean forceLeftGravity) {
        final int count = getChildCount();

        final int parentLeft = getPaddingLeftWithForeground();
        final int parentRight = right - left - getPaddingRightWithForeground();

        final int parentTop = getPaddingTopWithForeground();
        final int parentBottom = bottom - top - getPaddingBottomWithForeground();

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

                final int width = child.getMeasuredWidth();
                final int height = child.getMeasuredHeight();

                int childLeft;
                int childTop;

                int gravity = lp.gravity;
                if (gravity == -1) {
                    gravity = DEFAULT_CHILD_GRAVITY;

                final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
                final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(gravity, layoutDirection);
                final int verticalGravity = gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;

                switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
                        childLeft = parentLeft + (parentRight - parentLeft - width) / 2 +
                        lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
                        if (!forceLeftGravity) {
                            childLeft = parentRight - width - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.LEFT:
                        childLeft = parentLeft + lp.leftMargin;

                switch (verticalGravity) {
                    case Gravity.TOP:
                        childTop = parentTop + lp.topMargin;
                    case Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL:
                        childTop = parentTop + (parentBottom - parentTop - height) / 2 +
                        lp.topMargin - lp.bottomMargin;
                    case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                        childTop = parentBottom - height - lp.bottomMargin;
                        childTop = parentTop + lp.topMargin;

                child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childLeft + width, childTop + height);
  • ViewGroup

  • View

3. 绘制performDraw


private void performDraw() {
        try {
            boolean canUseAsync = draw(fullRedrawNeeded);
            if (usingAsyncReport && !canUseAsync) {
                usingAsyncReport = false;
        } finally {
            mIsDrawing = false;

private boolean draw(boolean fullRedrawNeeded) {
        if (!drawSoftware(surface, mAttachInfo, xOffset, yOffset,
                        scalingRequired, dirty, surfaceInsets)) {
                    return false;

private boolean drawSoftware(Surface surface, AttachInfo attachInfo, int xoff, int yoff,
            boolean scalingRequired, Rect dirty, Rect surfaceInsets) {

* 1. Draw the background
* 2. If necessary, save the canvas' layers to prepare for fading
* 3. Draw view's content
* 4. Draw children
* 5. If necessary, draw the fading edges and restore layers
* 6. Draw decorations (scrollbars for instance)

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        final int privateFlags = mPrivateFlags;
        final boolean dirtyOpaque = (privateFlags & PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) == PFLAG_DIRTY_OPAQUE &&
                (mAttachInfo == null || !mAttachInfo.mIgnoreDirtyState);
        mPrivateFlags = (privateFlags & ~PFLAG_DIRTY_MASK) | PFLAG_DRAWN;

         * Draw traversal performs several drawing steps which must be executed
         * in the appropriate order:
         *      1. Draw the background
         *      2. If necessary, save the canvas' layers to prepare for fading
         *      3. Draw view's content
         *      4. Draw children
         *      5. If necessary, draw the fading edges and restore layers
         *      6. Draw decorations (scrollbars for instance)

        // Step 1, draw the background, if needed
        int saveCount;

        if (!dirtyOpaque) {

        // skip step 2 & 5 if possible (common case)
        final int viewFlags = mViewFlags;
        boolean horizontalEdges = (viewFlags & FADING_EDGE_HORIZONTAL) != 0;
        boolean verticalEdges = (viewFlags & FADING_EDGE_VERTICAL) != 0;
        if (!verticalEdges && !horizontalEdges) {
            // Step 3, draw the content
            if (!dirtyOpaque) onDraw(canvas);

            // Step 4, draw the children


            // Overlay is part of the content and draws beneath Foreground
            if (mOverlay != null && !mOverlay.isEmpty()) {

            // Step 6, draw decorations (foreground, scrollbars)

            // Step 7, draw the default focus highlight

            if (debugDraw()) {

            // we're done...



    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) {
            while (transientIndex >= 0 && mTransientIndices.get(transientIndex) == i) {
                final View transientChild = mTransientViews.get(transientIndex);
                if ((transientChild.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE ||
                        transientChild.getAnimation() != null) {
                    more |= drawChild(canvas, transientChild, drawingTime);
                if (transientIndex >= transientCount) {
                    transientIndex = -1;

            final int childIndex = getAndVerifyPreorderedIndex(childrenCount, i, customOrder);
            final View child = getAndVerifyPreorderedView(preorderedList, children, childIndex);
            if ((child.mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE || child.getAnimation() != null) {
                more |= drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
        return child.draw(canvas, this, drawingTime);
  • ViewGroup
    -> 绘制自己onDraw(Canvas)【自定义时需重写】
    -> 绘制子View dispatchDraw(Canvas)
    -> 绘制前景,滚动条等装饰 onDrawForeground(Canvas)

  • View
    -> 绘制自己onDraw(Canvas)【自定义时需重写】
    -> 绘制前景,滚动条等装饰 onDrawForeground(Canvas)



  • ViewGroup
    -> onMeasure
    -> onLayout
    -> onDraw【可选,例如容器中装载的都是系统控件,则不用重写】

  • View
    -> onMeasure
    -> onDraw【可选】



