Day 33:Englishpod ( Foul!)

作者: 哇咔咔Carla | 来源:发表于2020-06-20 15:16 被阅读0次

    Hey, guys,

    I am Carla.


    Englishpod第三十三期( 👈听力音频)

    A: Has the game started yet?

    B: Yeah, about 5 minutes ago.

    A: Who’s winning?

    B: The Bulls, of course!

    A: What! That wasnt a foul! C’mon, ref!

    B: Don’t worry, Shaq always screws up free throws.

    A: You were right! He didn’t make the shot!

    B: That was a great shot! A three pointer, yeah!

    A: Did you see that? He traveled and the ref didn’t call it!

    B: This ref needs glasses. Hey ref, open your eyes! I can’t

    believe he didn’t see that!

    A: Okay... end of the first quarter... Alright, I’m gonna

    make a beer run.

    Next part is 重点单词,句型讲解🎉

    1.foul  犯规

    e.g. Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half. 


    2.ref  裁判(referee的缩写)

    e.g. The game's not over till the ref blows the whistle.


    3.screw up 搞砸

    对于这个词组,其实有很多的含义,我们一起来看一下 throws  罚球

    e.g. We shot 2 free throws in the second half... ONLY 2! 


    5.make the shot 击球

    e.g. Oh, that's gonna be your excusewhen I make the shot.


    6.make a beer run  (商店)买啤酒

    e.g. We even made a beer run, pulling to shore to buy a few bottles of Egyptian Stella from the back of a truck.



    Thanks for your reading.



        本文标题:Day 33:Englishpod ( Foul!)
