

作者: Jennie的备考笔记 | 来源:发表于2017-11-07 14:13 被阅读0次

• Never assume you understand the source text perfectly.

•  Never assume your understanding of the source text is detailed enough to

enable you to translate it adequately.

•  Always analyze for text type, genre, register, rhetorical function, etc.

•  Always analyze the source text's syntax and semantics, making sure you know

in detail what it is saying, what it is not saying, and what it is implying.

•  Always analyze the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic relationship between

the source language (especially as it appears in this particular source text)

and the target language, so that you know what each language is capable and

incapable of doing and saying, and can make all necessary adjustments.

•  Always pay close attention to the translation commission (what you are asked

to do, by whom, for whom, and why), and consider the special nature and needs

of your target audience; if you aren't given enough information about that

audience, ask; if the commissioner doesn't know, use your professional judge-

ment to project an audience.


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