Diary 20190724

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2019-07-24 06:12 被阅读15次



Self-pity is never useful, it tends to distort like a fun-house mirror

I woke up at 5:20 this morning, I am tired due to the heavy study task,so I need to adjust according to the actual body status.

I will ask Rain to do the analysis why the supplier PPM still lower than the target and the same with the last year.

I received a customer complaint about the rusty issue of the M83 in the early morning, we had finished the rusty validation testing that last one month in May, and we didn't find the same issue, I doubt the transportation process and the storage environment, so I prepare to reject this customer complaint.

I asked QMS supervisor and quality supervisor to attend the conference call with SH supplier management team to discuss how to prepare the auditmaterial, because we should accept the second party audit by SGS, I think we should get a good result for this audit.

I learned the second chapter of the  politics this afternoon, and did 40 problems, but I got 13 wrong, so bad.  and I decide to give up higher mathematics, and focused on the politics and English for the future 3 months, I hope that I made a correct decision for this exam.

Diary 20190724


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