足少阳胆经之足临泣 GB-41 输穴-木

足少阳胆经之足临泣 GB-41 输穴-木

作者: 在路上5818 | 来源:发表于2020-05-05 13:17 被阅读0次


Shu-Stream and Wood point of the Gall Bladder channel, confluent point of the Girdling vessel

学位特点: 五腧穴之输穴(五行属木),八脉交会--带脉


In the depression distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, On the lateral side of the tendon of medial extensor digitorum longest.

The Location of Zu Lin Qi GB-41 from A Manual of Acupuncture by Deadman


Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.  直刺0.5到1寸。


1. Spreads Liver qi (疏理肝气)

2. Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts (利胸胁)

3. Clears the head and benefits the eyes (清热,利眼)

4. Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules (化痰散结)


1. Pain of the lateral costal region, fullness of the chest with inability to catch the breath, rebellious qi with dyspnoea, chest painful obstruction, pain of the supraclavicular fossa, inversion counterflow of the four limbs, scrofula, swelling of the axilla, enuresis, malaria.


2. Headache, one-sided headache, head wind, dizziness, visual dizziness, pain of the occiput, pain of the vertex, pain of the outer canthus, redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, lacrimation, dry eyes, deafness and tinnitus, propensity to gnaw the tongue and cheek, swelling of the submandibular region and cheek, swelling of Tianyou SJ-16, toothache.


3. Distention and pain of the breast, breast abscess, menstrual disorders, inhibited menstruation.


4. Pain of the hip, pain of the lower leg, fixed painful obstruction, wandering pain, swelling and pain of the feet, pain and contraction of the toes, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the feet, all disorders of the feet.



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