【文献解读】|PBJ--The durable wheat di

【文献解读】|PBJ--The durable wheat di

作者: ss的专属赫兹 | 来源:发表于2019-11-18 09:19 被阅读0次


    The wheat gene Lr34 provides durable andpartial field resistance against multiple fungal diseases of wheat, includingthree wheat rust pathogens and wheat powdery mildew.The Lr34 resistance is encoded by a rare variant of anATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporterthat evolved after wheat domestication.

    Lr34(=Yr18/Sr57/Pm38), Lr67(=Yr46/Sr55/Pm46) and Lr46 (=Yr29/Sr58/Pm39),

    hemi-biotrophic fungal disease northerncorn leaf blight (NCLB), also known as Turcicum

    leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum)

    maize common rust disease caused by thebiotrophic fungusPuccinia sorghi

    leaf tip necrosis (LTN)

    玉米大斑病:英文名称:Corn northern leaf blight (northern corn leaf blight (NCLB)), also

    known as Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum),又称玉米条斑病、玉米煤纹病、玉米斑病、玉米枯叶病。

    Corn southern leaf blight玉米小斑病: 玉米小斑病又称玉米斑点病,是由半知菌亚门丝孢纲丝孢目长蠕孢菌侵染所引起的一种真菌病害.


    Transform the Lr34 resistance gene into themaize hybrid Hi-II. Lr34-expressing maize plants showed increased resistanceagainst the biotrophic fungal disease common rust and the hemi-biotrophicdisease northern corn leaf blight.


    Cornerstone:['kɔːnəstəʊn]    n.基础;柱石;地基

    Parasitize:['pærəsaɪtaɪz; -sɪ-]  vt.寄生于;寄生感染;侵害

    Foliar:[ˈfoʊliər]  adj.叶的

    Macroscopic: [,mækrə'skɑpɪk]  adj.宏观的;肉眼可见的

    Microscopic:[ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk]  adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的

    Hexaploid: ['heksəplɔid]  adj.六倍体的,有六组同源染色体的;(有机体或物种)由六倍细胞体组成的  n.(生物、变种或物种)六倍体

    Sib: [sɪb] n.亲属;亲族 adj. 近亲的,有血缘关系的

    agro-climatic zone:农业气候区



        本文标题:【文献解读】|PBJ--The durable wheat di
