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- M的第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 73 20201223
- 泽平 的ScalersTalk第七轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day
According to Lesson 73 .Young is always concern about Leo .He asked Leo how did the interview go . Leo seems half-excited and half-worried after he got the job offer .Because Leo isn't sure if he can accept the position , his new company wants him to start in three weeks .But he has to give a thirty-day notice if he wants to leave his current company.
Young thinks Leo should talk to his boss and then notify his boss that he has a replacement in mind ,that should help to soften the blow .Young also answered Leo that Alice gonna be available from next week.Young suggests that Leo gets to approach the subject in a good way to make sure keep his boss on his side .It pays for him to be completely upfront .Young is sure if Leo can explain why he wants to leave .his boss will fully support him as best as he can.Leo hopes that his boss will give him his nod of approval .I learned that honest to friendship and upfront to job will make life simpler and happier .