特朗普母亲节忆母:她不许我犯错 我才有今日成就

特朗普母亲节忆母:她不许我犯错 我才有今日成就

作者: 52e47f71698a | 来源:发表于2020-05-16 14:51 被阅读0次

Reflecting on Mother’s Day this weekend, President Donald Trump said Friday that he could do no wrong in his mother’s eyes and perhaps that’s what framed his personality today.

“I had a great mom. I loved my mom and she loved me, which ... is probably not easy to do,” Trump told “Fox & Friends” in an interview. “She was so good to me. I couldn’t do any wrong, which is a big problem. Maybe that’s why I ended up the way I ended up. I don’t know. I couldn’t do any wrong in her eyes.”

He wished the nation’s mothers a happy day on Sunday and said he’d be with first lady Melania Trump at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland where he’d be meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“My mother was a terrific woman and Melania has been a great mother to Barron,” Trump said about his son. “Barron is growing up, really beautifully and she’s been a great mother to Barron.”

Asked if his mother would be surprised that he became president of the United States, Trump said: “I think any mother would be.”

“My mother was somebody that gave me a lot of confidence and she believed in me. ... My father was the same. I mean he, he was a strong guy but he was a good man, very good human being, very good person. And he always had confidence in me.”

He said having good parents is such an advantage in life.

“I miss my parents,” Trump said.


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    本文标题:特朗普母亲节忆母:她不许我犯错 我才有今日成就
