刚好今天又空,就把之前做的一些笔记重新整理一下,有空的时候也可以翻一翻,复习一下,也是对自己的努力有所交代吧,就算学到的东西不多,至少也是有一点点的进步,日积月累,慢慢的,我相信,会有质的变化吧,希望如此,也给自己立个flag,看到又用的东西,放出来,总结一下,就算自己不看,可能有人走过路过,获得哪怕一点点的收获,也是为人类做贡献,造福全社会了(感觉自己正在拯救宇宙似的) :).
May I speak to Tom,please? This is he. 我就是
We found that you perfectly meet our requirements for the position. 我们发现您十分符合这个职位的条件
have a further interview 进一步面谈written test 笔试(take a written test 做一个笔试)
Absolutely. When am I supposed to be there?当然可以。我应该几点要到?
The interview will be scheduled at 9 a.m. 面试会安排在上午9点。
which subway station is nearest to your headquarters(head office)? 哪一个地铁站离你们总公司最近?
Is there anything I should pay special attention to ? 又没有我需要特别注意的事情?
Thanks for calling,but I already have a job offer.
in the reception room 在会客室
Mr.Chang is still in a meeting 在开会中,but he will be available in ten minutes.
Would you briefly introduce yourself? 可以请你简单地自我介绍吗?
I‘m very hardworking. 我工作很努力 I have the ability to lead. 具备领导的能力
In my leisure time 【在空闲时间】 The job responsibilities are exactly what I'm looking for. 工作内容正是我想要找都。
Are you aware that this position requires working overtime on occasion 【有时】 to get work done? 你知道这份工作有时需要加班,好让工作完成吗?
Yes,I am well aware of that 是的,我很清楚,and that's not a problem to me at all .而且这对我来说一点也不是问题
事少less responsibilities、钱多 fat salary、离家近 no commute
I believe that this job would enhance my professional skills and experience. 我认为这份工作能提示我的专业技能和经验。
My main job tasks were managing correspondence,reports and documents as well as organizing and coordinating meetings and conferences. 我的主要工作是管理信件、报告及文件,还要安排协调会议。
meet your needs 符合自己的需求 sounds very challenging 听起来非常具有挑战性 rotating shift 轮班制 work day shift 白天班
I‘m afraid it is must when it's crunch time . 非常时期时,这恐怕是必须的。(crunch 【危急情况】)
If there is a need for overtime, I'm willing to work as much as needed. 如果有需要加班,我愿意全力配合。
you can choose to take the time off work 补休 within 4 weeks, overtime pay 加班费
Could you tell me how much do you expect to get paid? 可以告诉我你希望得到多少薪资吗?
Money doesn't really matter as much. 薪水就不是真的那么重要!
It was enjoyable to speak with you today. 今天跟你谈话很愉快
in the following two weeks 未来2周 result of the interview 面试的结果
Thank you again for your time and interest. 再次谢谢你的时间和关注
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me . 谢谢你百忙中抽时间来跟我谈。
It's the best news of the day! 这是今天最棒的消息
If so,please be on board 【上班】on the first day of August. 请你8月1日这天开始上班
It's my first day at work. 我今天第一天上班。
It's in this office building,on the 8th floor. 是在这一栋办公大楼,8楼
demission certification 离职证明
健康检查 health check 录取通知
job offer office kitchen 办公室茶水间
staff dining room 员工餐厅
As you can see如你所见, this is a ...
You can bring your own food if you don't want to go out for lunch.
what is the dress code 【服装规定】 in our office? 我们公司的服装规定是什么?
sneakers 运动鞋 business casual 商务服装 时尚 stylish
No shorts,tank tops,and sandals. 不要穿短裤、无袖背心和凉鞋 micro-miniskirt 超短迷你裙
Make sure you don't wear anything sheer or revealing. 不要穿任何薄得透明或者暴露都衣服
Just don't dress yourself like ahooligan. 只要别让自己像个流浪汉将行了
Take a short break at your desk and I'll see you later. 到座位上休息一下,我们待会儿见
Welcome on board 欢迎你来上班
you may become idlest times(有时). 你有时候可能会闲着没事做
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.如果有问题,尽管问
We will decide whether you are adequate to 【适合】the job after your three-month probation试用期.
What's up ? 什么事?Only if your work is done. 只要你工作做完了
get off from work on time 准时下班 take off 匆忙离去;溜走 Normally 一般来说 we don't leave until our boss leaves.
I hope we can get along! 我们相处愉快 Thanks again for your warm welcome.再次感谢你的热情欢迎
It's my pleasure to meet you and be a part of this team. 很高兴能认识你们,以及成为这个团队的一分子
I'm honored to be working with you . 能与你们一起工作,我很荣幸
I would like to express our sincere welcome to all of you here. 我向在场的所有人表达我们??的欢迎之意
门禁卡 access card 员工证 employee ID badge 临时员工卡provisional employee ID
call me back 给我电话 Can I take your number,please ? 可以留下您都电话号码吗?
You want to put off appointment until six o'clock,is that right ? 您想要把约定时间延长到6点,对吗?
I‘ll tell her to return your call when she's available. 我会请她有时间时回电话给您。
’Please tell him to call Ryan Chen on 0910-333-123. Could you transfer me to his extension,please? 可以麻烦请你帮我把电话转到他的分机吗?
I‘ll find it out for you.I will transfer your call. 我帮您转过去 Thanks again for your help.再次谢谢你的帮忙。
No later than 1:30 p.m. 1点半之前 He's in the meeting at the moment. 他现在在开会
I‘ll see what I can do . 我来想想办法 I‘m sorry,there's no such person here. 这里没有这个人。
We can schedule a meeting 安排会面 so that I can meeting you in person 亲自 to give you a solid presentation示范. 我们可以安排一次会面,好让我能亲自示范给您看。
If anything else comes to mind 想到 that I should be aware of prior to our meeting. 如果您有想到任何事情是在我们碰面之前我必须知道的。
main points 重点 track my order status 追踪订单状态Can I place an order over the phone ? 我可以用电话下单吗?
buy ten,get one free 买十送一 少糖 less sugar 少冰 less ice 去糖 no sugar/sugar free/without sugar 、去冰 no ice/without ice 珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea teatime 下午茶时间
Who is interested in group buying 【团购】 of some fruit? 谁对团购水果有兴趣? This is really a good deal. 这真的很合算
I need to make a complaint to the customer service of the website. 我必须跟这个网站的客服抱怨一下。
give the money 交钱 collect money 收钱 You may smoke as long as 只要you do it outside. 只要你在外面抽烟,你就抽吧。
I won't breathe a word of it. 我一个字都不会讲 tug of war 拔河 track and field 田径 lucky draw 抽奖 annual banquet 年终聚会; 年会聚餐count me in 算我一份
as far as I know. 就我所知 Let's not talk about work, just enjoy the food and have fun tonight. 我们不要谈工作的事,今晚只管享受食物和开心地玩就好
It's a pity that two of my colleagues didn't show up 出现. 很可惜我有两位没有出席
how about the week after next week下下周? 要不要约下下周? I‘ll be taking a week off 我会休1周
How many people in total are going to be in this trip? 这次的旅程一共有多少人? The staff travel is a five-day trip. 员工旅游为期5天
company outing 公司旅游(国内) all-expenses-paid 全额免费
You should set off earlier. 你应该要早点出门的。My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. 我的闹钟今天早上没有响。 My boss was furious我的老板非常火大
People who are always late are not trustworthy. 那些老是迟到的人不值得信任。 When I am on leave,Kevin will fill in for 替补me. 我休假时,凯文会替我。
My boss didn't approve my holiday request due to heavy workload 工作繁重. 因为我老板不让我休假,我只好取消我的航班。
When is your baby due? 你的宝宝什么时候出生? Oh, the due date is October 27th. 预产期是10月27日 That's only two weeks from now! 离现在只有2周 Exactly.的确是如此
When will you start your maternity leave? 那你什么时候开始休产假?
After my wife gives birth. 我太太生孩子之后 I‘m a bit under the weather(feel under the weather 身体不舒服) today. 我今天有一点不舒服
Debra just called in sick 打电话请假 this morning. 黛布拉今天早上打电话来请病假 Don't forget to bring in a doctor's note 医生证明when you come back to work. 你回来工作时别忘了带一份医生证明
It seems that you are coming down with the flu. 你好像染上流行性感冒了
look on the bright side. 若是往好处想
Gee! That's going to take me a lot of time. 天啊!那会花我很多时间。
Have you put in for overtime? 你申请加班费了吗? I am going to declare overtime.我会申请加班费。
朝九晚五 nine to five rotate shifts 轮班工作 早班 day shift 晚班 evening shift 夜班 night shift
I must take one day off as I have some family issues 家里的事情to deal with. 因为家里有点事需要处理,我今天必须请1天假
I can't believe she didn't show up for no reason at all.真不敢相信她毫无理由就不出现
I didn't expect to see you at this time here! 我没想到会在这个时候在这里看到你
the notice of meeting 会议通知 make seating arrangement 安排好座位
Please check whether we get all the basic items in place 各就各位. 请查看一下基本的文具用品是不是都准备好了。
the meeting is taking place 会议将要开始了 Would you like me to make some copies of this report ? 你要我帮你复印这份报告吗?(make a copy of ... 将......复印一份)
We need to go over all the topics now . 我们现在需要把所有的主题都讨论一次。(go over 查看;核对)
Please don't stray from the point. 请不要偏离主题/ let's not get off topic 不要离题了。We have to keep to the subject. 我们必须讨论正题
Let's recess 休会;暂停【】 the meeting until next Monday. 我们等下周一再继续开会吧
I‘m calling to inform you of an emergency meeting which will be held in ten minutes. Please have all your team members assemble in the meeting room right away.我打电话来是通知您10分钟后举行的一个紧急会议。请让您的组员立刻到会议室集合。
My boss was pissed. 我的老板非常生气 What have you been working on lately ? 最近都在忙什么? go out for a drink 出去喝一杯
I think David and his assistant are seeing each other .在约会 office romance 办公室恋情decline my invitation 拒绝了我的邀请
why does he stand aloof from his colleagues? 他为什么跟同事那么疏离?
He's a happy nut. 他是个开心果 You crack me up. 你真是太好笑了。 You are a good laugh. 你真是一个开心果。
You are such a likeable 讨人喜欢的 and funny person. 你真是一个讨人喜欢又好笑的人
I am sick of this clique thing. 我很受不了小圈子这种事 there is no inner circle in my team. 我们组里没有小圈子。
I went speechless.我无语了。Grow up and do your job.成熟一点,好好做事吧 Stop goofing around. 别再瞎混了/混日子
shirk one's duty 逃避责任 why does he always pick on me ? 为什么老是找我麻烦? I will keep an eye on you. 我会好好盯着你的。
Jessica,are you happy with your salary? Well,it's passable(过得去的,尚可的). 这个嘛,还过得去啦。confidential 保密的,机密的
How much do they pay you ? 他们付你多少钱? We should both keep our salary under wraps.我们都应该将薪资保密。keep sth under wraps 将......保密
I accidentally disclosed 【泄漏】my salary. 完不小心说出了我的薪水。 no offense 无意冒犯
When should we get our pay deposits 薪资转入? On the 10th of every month. 我们什么时候领薪水? 每个月10日
After paying my rent, I'll save up half of the rest. 付完房租之后,我会把剩下的一半存下来 save up 储蓄备用
lodging allowance 住宿津贴 transportation/mileage allowance 交通津贴 overtime allowance 加班补贴 meal allowance 伙食津贴 full attendance hours 全勤奖金 底薪 base salary
I am paid on hourly rate. 我是拿时薪的。
It's better than nothing.有至少比没有好啊。
Sadly enough 悲哀的是,we only get a one-month annual bonus this year.
The bonus is not much,but I am glad as long as we get something. 奖金不多,但只要有,我就很高兴了。
The bonus has compensated our yearlong 整整一年的 hard work. reward oneself 犒劳自己 reward myself first. each member of the team 每个成员
Let's have dinner together tonight,shall we?It's on me我请客. To me,the performance bonus is a form of recognition认可;表彰. 对我来说,绩效奖金是一种肯定。
I am more motivated 我就会更有动力 whenever I receive bonuses for my hard work.
If that's so,then my yearlong hard work will be paid off. 如果是这样,那么我一整年的辛苦工作都值得了。I prefer cash payout 支出,花费. 我比较喜欢现金。
I will now notify my boss of your arrival. He has a pretty tight schedule today. 他今天行程很满。
Mr Lin will be with you shortly. 林先生很快就会过来Please let me know if you need anything before that. 在那之前,如果您需要什么,请告诉我。
My boss is on his way here. 我的老板已经过来了。 Mr.Smith has been waiting for you. 史密斯先生已经在等您了。
No soliciting is allowed here. 这里拒绝推销。 out of stock 没有库存 stationary item 文具用品 out of order 故障 Is there a black out? 停电了吗?
because of the power cut. 因为停电 During the blackout, we had no choice but worked in darkness. 停电时,我们不得不摸黑工作。
when will you be back at the latest 最晚? 你最晚什么时候会回来? I‘ve got to run an errand for my boss.我得去帮我老板跑个腿办事
He's out for business reasons at present. 他目前因公外出
Do you want me to book the high-speed rail ticket for you ? 你要我帮你订高铁车票吗? Yes,please. Book me around ticket往返票. I'm setting off 出发tomorrow morning and returning on Friday afternoon. Don't bother. 不用麻烦了。 He is going to attend a training program for three days. 他要去参加一个3天的培训课程。
You need to be there at least two days ahead for some preparation. 你必须2天前就到那里去做准备。But she's traveling at her own expense. 不过她的费用要自己负担。
My responsibility is to look for a proper location. The exhibition hall is some where near the airport. 展览会场在机场附近。I need you to change the date of my flight 机票日期.
Have you made arrangements for the pick-up and drop-off service? 你安排好接送服务了吗?I don't mind staying longer as long as it's necessary.如果有必要,我不介意持久一点
I don't mind changing my schedule if you can use my help如果帮得上忙. If I have to extend my trip,I will have to make some phone calls first 我得先打几个电话.
If everything goes well 如果一切进行顺利的话。 You can file for ...提出(申请)petty cash reimbursement.
Dinner with clients have been an integral 不可或缺的part of doing business. Some client dinners are just unavoidable 不可避免的.
I would like to propose a toast 向...举杯to our bright future. 我提议为我们美好的未来举杯。
It's been good working with you . 跟你们合作非常愉快。I'm glad that we're both finally in agreement on 对....表示同意all terms of the contract. 很高兴我们双方终于都同意合约里的所有条款。
You foot the bill 你付账We are so thrilled 感到兴奋的to have you here in our office.That's impressive. 真是了不起。
This is our showroom展示区. It's really spacious 好宽敞. You two probably have talked on the phone. 你们两位可能通过电话了。
The new collection is stylish and yet wearable and affordable. 这次的新系列不但时尚,而且耐穿又实惠。
I‘m positive that the quality of our products will match up to your expectations 符合某人你的期待. 我很肯定我们的产品的品质一定会符合您的期待。
I have nonscheduled in the next few days. 接下来的几天我的行程排得很紧。I will see you then. I suggest we meet no later than Wednesday. 我建议我们在周三以前见面
I thought we have already finalized the design. 我以为设计图已经定稿了。
I will not let you down. 我不会令您失望。
We are more than happy to show you around. 我们很乐意带您到处走走。 Good luck with your new function 职位;工作职能. 祝你在新的职位上一切顺利。
It's not official yet. 还没有正式升啦。 With your experience,you are more than qualified. 依你的经验,你当之无愧。
He was poached from L&C Company. 他是从L&C公司被挖过来的。be poached from ... 从...被挖角。I don't trust job-hoppers. 我不信任会跳槽的人。
We've been trying to hold onto our best employees. 我们一直试图留住公司的最佳员工。Indeed! Stay positive. 确实如此!保持积极的想法将对了。
Am I on the layoff list? 我在裁员名单上吗? How much severance pay will I get? 我将会拿到多少遣散费?I‘ve decided to resign from my job. 我已经决定要离职了。
Although I am quiting,I still want to stay on good terms with my old employer. 虽然要辞职了,我还是希望跟原雇主维持良好的关系。be on good terms with sb. 与某人保持良好关系
I‘m soon going to be on pension.我很快就要退休了。But I thought you just turned 55. 但我以为你才55岁左右。We should throw a farewell party for you. 我们应该为你办一场送别会。
停薪留职 leave without pay I‘ve been preparing for the job handover. 我一直在准备工作交接的事。 That will make the transition much easier. 那会让过渡期容易些。
Let's keep our fingers crossed. 希望一切进行顺利。departing employee 离职员工 We wish you all the best.我们祝你一切顺利。
Thank you for the hard work all these years.谢谢你这些年的努力。It's not a one-man show. 这不是个人秀。 I need all of you to work as a team. 我需要你们团结合作。
What's wrong? Why are you pulling a long face ? 怎么了?为什么闷闷不乐的?Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. 如果有什么我帮得上忙的,要让我知道。
Thank you for your compliment. 谢谢你的赞美。 Good leadership definitely helps. 好的领导能力绝对是有帮助的。 Let's just go all out for it! 我们就全力以赴吧!
Well,I hope you will still get some rest.喔,我希望你还是能有些休息的时间。Due to heavy workload,I am a little behind schedule. 因为工作量太大,我现在进度有点落后。
It helps improve your workplace productivity. 它会帮助你增加工作成效。 help you perform at your peak. 帮助你发挥最大的能力。outsourcing 外包 short-handed 人手不足 intern 实习生
I'll give it a try anyways. 无论如何我都要试试看。 You will learn how to make plans ahead and feel more in control of 控制,掌握your work. 你会学会如何事先制订计划,并且对掌握工作能更得心应手 Sometimes you need to say no to additional work. 有时你必须拒绝额外的工作。Try to work on the most dreaded tasks in the morning. 尽量在早上处理最艰巨的问题。
All you need is make better use of your time. 你所需要的就是将时间做更好的运用。Limiting distractions will help you focus. 避免会让你分心的东西可以帮助你专注。
Anyone found leaking outcompany's confidential information will get fired. 任何被发现泄漏公司机密信息的人,都会被开除。
Thanks for the heads up. 谢谢你的提醒(口语)。 sandwich degree 三明治证书(在学3年+实习1年) too modest ?虚perfect attendance 全勤
He's dragging the whole team down! 他在拖累整个团队啊。 It's definitely on fault of ours. 这绝对不是我们的错。 He is an experienced and trustworthy co-worker. 他是个经验丰富且值得信赖的同事
She tries to pass the buck whenever she can. 只要可以,她就会想尽办法推卸责任。 She picks up the slack when things fall behind. 工作进度落后的时候,她会积极接手做完。
I am very upset about it . 我对此非常难过。 I‘m quite confused by 对...感到不解 the result of my performance evaluation. 我对我的绩效考核结果感到不解。
Your performance is barely satisfactory. 你的工作表现差强人意。My job is to help you understand the organization's goals and focus on accomplishing goals through your work.
The most important of all 最重要的是 Why do you think you deserve a promotion? 你为什么认为你应该被升职?
I have a good influence on the department's environment. 我对部门环境有良好的影响。 Embrace change and I handle change well. 我对改变持欣然接受的态度,而且能应付得很好。
I‘m efficient and effective and I always go the extra mile 多下一点功夫 when I need to . 我很有效率也很有战斗力,只要需要我都愿意比别人多做一点。
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