每周六早上我会复习之前做过的听写, 每次复习一周的内容, 今天复习第1-7次听写 太空旅客.
[第1次听写] 太空旅客(一) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第2次听写] 太空旅客(二) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第3次听写] 太空旅客(三) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第4次听写] 太空旅客(四) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第5次听写] 太空旅客(五) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第6次听写] 太空旅客(六) 摆脱字幕看电影
[第7次听写] 太空旅客(七) 摆脱字幕看电影
1 Immigrate(Emigrate), leave earth.
2 120 years(120-year) space hibernation means you'll never see your family or friends again.
3 That's home stat(Homestead) company advertising.
现在1,3可以听对了, 2还是错了
4 In the colonies(The colonies), they have problems to solve.
5 Is she a Madison, Donna, or Lola(a Lola).
6 she has to be a midwife, there's no way you just made that up(made that one up).
7 I'd like her(I like her). We'd be friends.
现在6和7可以听对了, 5还是分辨不出
8 I was gonna fly to Homestead 2, live for a year, and then ride back to Earth(and then right back to Earth).
9 The humanity 's(Humanity's) flight to the stars.
10 But you wouldn't know any other people who were reading it.(But you won't know any of the people who are reading it)
11 They would have been.(Or they would have been)
现在8,9可以听对了, 10,11还是不行
12 Let's bring it on.(Let's get it on)
13 Ok(Ok. Beatdown)
14 I'm up 2 points.('cause I'm up 2 points)
现在13, 14可以听对了, 12还是不行
15 I'm sorry(I swear) I didn't wear pants for a month.
16 It wasn't easy getting reservation(getting a reservation)
17 Got(I'm getting) a lot of dirty looks.
现在17可以听对了, 16还是不行.
第一周一共17处错误, 隔了3个月回头再听, 其中10处可以听对了, 7处还是不行.