"To do this well, approach the conversation in a way that conveys that you’re just trying to understand. Use questions rather than make statements. Conduct the discussion in a calm and dispassionate manner, and encourage the other person to do that as well. Remember, you are not arguing; you are openly exploring what’s true. Be reasonable and expect others to be reasonable. If you’re calm, collegial, and respectful you will do a lot better than if you are not. You’ll get better at this with practice.
要做好这一点,你的沟通方式应该要让对方 觉得,你只是在试图理解。[2]你应该提问而不是 做出陈述,以平心静气的方式进行讨论,并鼓励 对方也这么做。记住,你不是在争论,而是在开 放地探求事实。你要保持理性,并期待对方也保 持理性。如果你冷静,平等对待对方,尊重对 方,效果就会好得多。练习可以让你更擅长这么 做。"