“The Big Bang Theory”第一季第二集part3

“The Big Bang Theory”第一季第二集part3

作者: 兔啊呜 | 来源:发表于2019-03-19 19:57 被阅读8次

Scene: Leonard’s bedroom, he is asleep. Sound of door opening and closing somewhere else is heard. Leonard wakes, puts on his glasses and looks at the clock. It is 2:16.(场景:莱纳德正在卧室睡觉,这时听到开关门的声音,他起来戴上眼镜看时间,是凌晨2点16分)

Leonard: Sheldon?(莱纳德掀开被子喊人)


Scene: The living room. Leonard enters carrying a light sabre.(场景:莱纳德手持一把绿荧荧的光剑小心走入客厅)

Leonard: Sheldon? Hello?(巡视客厅)

谢尔顿?    有人吗?

(Notices front door is open, turns off light sabre.)(门开着,莱纳德熄灭光剑)

Scene: Penny’s apartment, penny is sleeping, Sheldon is cleaning. Leonard enters.(场景:谢尔顿趁佩妮睡觉偷偷进去打扫房间,莱纳德进来了)

Leonard: Sheldon!(莱纳德不敢置信的喊)


Sheldon: Sssshhhh! Penny’s sleeping.(谢尔顿回头看了眼熟睡的佩妮,示意莱纳德小声)


Leonard: Are you insane, you can’t just break into a woman’s apartment in the middle of the night and clean.(莱纳德也小心的向卧室看了一眼)

你疯了吗    你不能在半夜闯进一个女人的公寓   打扫

Sheldon: I had no choice. I couldn’t sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and just outside our living room was that hallway, and immediately adjacent to that hallway was… this.(谢尔顿手下不停收拾)

我别无选择     我睡不着   想到在我卧室外面是我们的客厅    在我们客厅外面是走廊    而走廊这边就是......这个样子

Leonard: Do you realise that if Penny wakes up, there is no reasonable explanation as to why we’re here?(莱纳德努力说服谢尔顿)

你有没有意识到如果佩妮醒过来   我们根本无法合理的解释为什么在这

Sheldon: I just gave you a reasonable explanation.(谢尔顿不为所动)


Leonard: No, no. You gave me an explanation, it’s reasonableness will be determined by a jury of your peers.(莱纳德连吓带哄)

没   没    你只是给了个解释    它的合理性要由你的陪审团来决定

Sheldon: Don’t be ridiculous. I have no peers.(继续整理)

搞笑   我哪来的陪审团

Leonard: Sheldon, we have to get out of here.

谢尔顿    我们得赶快离开这

(Penny snores)(佩妮的呼噜声让两人停顿一下)

Sheldon: You might want to speak in a lower register.(谢尔顿提醒莱纳德)


Leonard: What?(莱纳德懵)


Sheldon: Evolution has made women sensitive to high pitched noises while they sleep, so that they’ll be roused by a crying baby. If you want to avoid waking her, speak in a lower register.(莱纳德呆呆看着谢尔顿巴拉巴拉)

进化使得女人在睡觉的时候对高音区的噪音非常敏感    所以她们才能在婴儿哭的时候醒来    如果你不想吵醒她     就用低音区说话

Leonard: That’s ridiculous. (Penny snores again.)(声音有点高,佩妮的呼噜声随之响起)


Sheldon: No, (lowering his voice dramatically,) that’s ridiculous.(谢尔顿用“你看吧”的眼神看着莱纳德)

不对   (用突然降低的声音说) 那太荒谬了

Leonard (doing likewise): Fine. I accept your premise, now please let’s go.(莱纳德不自觉的听从)

好吧    我接受你的理论    我们快走吧

Sheldon: I am not leaving until I’m done.(两个男低音对话)


Leonard: O-o-o-oh! (Collapses against wall).(莱纳德崩溃的对着墙)

啊    啊   啊

Sheldon: If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.(谢尔顿瞅了眼佩妮对莱纳德说)


Leonard: Oh, what the hell.(莱纳德认命转身)


Scene: Sheldon and Leonard’s living room, morning. Sheldon enters, singing to himself.(场景:谢尔顿和莱纳德的客厅,谢尔顿哼着歌雀跃的走过来)

Sheldon: Morning.(轻快打招呼)


Leonard: Morning.(莱纳德闷闷的回答)


Sheldon: I have to say, I slept splendidly. Granted, not long, but just deeply and well.(神清气爽的宣告)

我必须要说   我睡的非常香甜   虽然时间不长但是睡眠质量很好

Leonard: I’m not surprised. A well known folk cure for insomnia is to break into your neighbour’s apartment and clean.(莱纳德捧着咖啡杯,顶着一头乱发)

我一点也不感到奇怪   失眠的灵丹妙药就是闯到邻居家里打扫

Sheldon: Sarcasm?(谢尔顿微笑)


Leonard: You think?(莱纳德回了一句)


Sheldon: Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement of Penny’s quality of life.(开冰箱拿出牛奶,给自己倒了一杯)

就算是吧   我的方法可能有点唐突   但是我认为这能很好的提高佩妮的生活质量

Leonard: You know what, you’ve convinced me, maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.(喝口咖啡)

你说的对   也许今晚我们应该偷溜进去把她的地毯洗了

Sheldon: You don’t think that crosses a line?(谢尔顿想了一下)


Leonard: Yes! For God’s sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?(莱纳德抓狂中......以后这样的时候会很多)

是!  天啊     谢尔顿     哪次我开口说话都得举个讽刺的牌子吗?

Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign?(谢尔顿盯着莱纳德)


Leonard: No, I do not have a sarcasm sign.(莱纳德泄气)

不  我没有讽刺的牌子

Sheldon: Do you want some cereal. I’m feeling so good today I’m going to choose from the low fibre end of the shelf. Hello, Honey Puffs.(把牛奶放回冰箱后,巡视自己的一排麦片盒子)

你想来点麦片吗   我觉得我今天情绪高涨     我今天要选架子尾的低纤维    好啊 honey puffs

Penny (voice off): Son of a Bitch!(突然传来佩妮的声音)


Leonard: Penny’s up.(莱纳德端起咖啡杯)


Penny (voice off): You sick, geeky bastards!(佩妮继续大骂)


Leonard: How did she know it was us?(看向谢尔顿)


Sheldon: I may have left a suggested organisational schematic for her bedroom closet.(谢尔顿有点不安)


Penny (voice off): Leonard!(佩妮大喊)


Leonard: God, this is going to be bad.(莱纳德站起来)

天   这下要糟了

Sheldon: Goodbye, Honey Puffs, hello Big Bran.(换了一种高纤麦片)

再见  honey  puffs    你好  big bran

Penny (entering): You came into my apartment last night when I was sleeping?(佩妮冲进来)


Leonard: Yes, but, only to clean.(莱纳德试图让佩妮冷静下来)

是的    只是为了打扫

Sheldon: Really more to organise, you’re not actually dirty, per se.(谢尔顿插个嘴)

准确的说是整理    你那里其实并不太脏

Penny: Give me back my key.(佩妮不想多说)


Leonard: I’m very, very sorry.(莱纳德交出钥匙)


Penny: Do you understand how creepy this is?(佩妮生气的指责)


Leonard: Oh, yes, we discussed it at length last night.(莱纳德处于防守状态)


Penny: In my apartment, while I was sleeping.(佩妮怒气值+1)

在我的房间   在我睡觉的时候

Sheldon: And snoring. And that’s probably just a sinus infection, but it could be sleep apnoea, you might want to see an otolaryngologist. It’s a throat doctor.(谢尔顿走过来)

还有打呼   可能是有点鼻窦感染   但也有可能是睡眠呼吸暂停综合症   你可能需要看一下耳鼻喉科医师    喉科医生

Penny: And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?(佩妮走到谢尔顿面前)


Sheldon: Depending on the depth, that’s either a... proctologist or a general surgeon. (Leonard holds up a sign reading “Sarcasm”) Oh!()

那要取决于深度   要么是......直肠科医师或是外科医生      哦 (莱纳德这时举起了一张写着“讽刺”的纸)

Penny: God!(佩妮无语)


Leonard: Okay, look, no Penny, I think what you’re feeling is perfectly valid, and maybe a little bit later today when you’re feeling a little bit less, for lack of a better word, violated, maybe we could talk about this some more.(莱纳德手足无措的解释)

佩妮,我认为你现在的感觉非常正常   也许等你没这么感觉......因为没别的词了   被侵犯    我们可以好好谈一下

Penny: Stay away from me.(佩妮冲莱纳德说)


Leonard: Sure, that’s another way to go.(莱纳德无奈)

好的   那是另一个办法

Sheldon: Penny, Penny, just to clarify because there will be a discussion when you leave, is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping, or do you also object to the imposition of a new organisational paradigm. (Penny stares in disbelief, then leaves.) Well that was a little non-responsive.(面对谢尔顿的提问,佩妮呆住了,无语离开)

佩妮佩妮    等等   先声明  因为你走后我们肯定会讨论    你是只对我们在你睡觉的时候进入你的房间反感呢   还是你对我们强加的整理体系也感到反感?     那可真有点呆若木鸡啊

Leonard: You are going to march yourself over there right now and apologise. (Sheldon laughs.) What’s funny?(莱纳德指着门)

你现在马上把自己送过去道歉 (谢尔顿感到好笑)  有什么可笑的?

Sheldon: That wasn’t sarcasm?(谢尔顿很无辜)


Leonard: No.(莱纳德抓狂)


Sheldon: Wooh, boy, you are all over the place this morning. (Knocks on Penny’s door.) I have a masters and two PhD’s, I should not have to do this.(大步去佩妮家敲门,嘴里咕哝)

天啊   你今天真是一塌糊涂   (去佩妮家敲门)我有一个硕士两个博士学位    我不应该做这个

Penny (opening door): What?(佩妮气呼呼的开门)


Sheldon: I am truly sorry for what happened last night, I take full responsibility. And I hope that it won’t colour your opinion of Leonard, who is not only a wonderful guy, but also, I hear, a gentle and thorough lover. (Penny closes door in his face.) (莱纳德躲在门口听谢尔顿道歉,听到最后抱头蹲下了) I did what I could.

我为昨晚的事感到非常抱歉   责任全在我    我希望这不会影响你对莱纳德的看法   他不仅是个非常好的人而且我还听说  他是个非常完美的情人(佩妮面无表情的关上门 ) 

谢尔顿回到自己家对莱纳德说: 我能做的都做了




    本文标题:“The Big Bang Theory”第一季第二集part3
