The Story of Philosophy的第142句:第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第10段第2句:
But if the government itself is a chaos and an absurdity, if it rules without helping, and commands without leading, — how can we persuade the individual, in such a state, to obey the laws and confine his self-seeking within the circle of the total good? No wonder an Alcibiades turns against a state that distrusts ability, and reverences number more than knowledge. No wonder there is chaos where there is no thought, and the crowd decides in haste and ignorance, to repent at leisure and in desolation. Is it not a base superstition that mere numbers will give wisdom? On the contrary is it not universally seen that men in crowds are more foolish and more violent and more cruel than men separate and alone? Is it not shameful that men should be ruled by orators, who "go ringing on in long harangues, like brazen pots which, when stuck, continue to sound till a hand is put upon them"?3 Surely the management of a state is a matter for which men cannot be too intelligent, a matter that needs the unhindered thought of the finest minds. How can a society be saved, or be strong, except it be led by its wisest men?
3:Plato's Protagoras, sect, 329
1、No wonder an Alcibiades turns against a state
No wonder:used to say something that is not surprising难怪,
No wonder the financial markets were spooked.难怪金融市场如惊弓之鸟。《经济学人》
an Alcibiades:不定冠词+名字是一个常见英语表达,来表示“一个叫……的人”,可以帮助引入一个新的人物角色,或者在不确定具体所指的情况下提及某个人。
turn against:to stop supporting or being friendly to (sb. Or sth.)与……反目
And then to add to my humiliation, my son turns against me and apologizes to my enemy.更为可耻的是,我的儿子竟然背叛了我,向我的敌人道歉。《基督山伯爵》
2、that distrusts ability, and reverences number more than knowledge.
reverence:honor or respect that is felt for or shown to(sb. Or sth.)崇敬,
In her aspect there was a familiar gladness, and a holiness that you could play with, and yet reverence it as much as ever.
在她的脸上有一种熟悉的快乐, 一种你可以玩弄的圣洁, 但仍然一如既往地崇敬它《七角楼》