前段时间笔者看完了TED的small book,今天,笔者将带着大家来学习一些和工作有关的词汇,所有词汇和例句均来源于书本“Why we work”。好啦,废话不多说,来看看我们有什么词汇可以学习的吧。
1. occupation n. 工作
首先谈到工作,大家都可能会用job,work这些词来表达工作,但是除了这两个耳熟能详的词外,我们还有其他的一些表达,比如:occupation,position,employment 书中所说:few occupations have these features。几乎没有工作具有这些特征。(作者说的是机会没有工作能够满足人们。)
2.expertise n. 专业技能
And they use that autonomy and discretion to achieve a level of mastery or expertise. 他们用自己的自主权和辨别力来获得专业技能。
3.monotonous adj.单调的,乏味的
Why is that for most of us, work is monotonous, meaningless, and soul deadening?为什么对于我们大部分人来说,工作是单调乏味,毫无意义的呢?
4.engaged & disengaged adj. 投入的 & 不投入的
There are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers who like their jobs. 在这个世界上,不专注的员工是哪些积极投入到工作中的人的两倍。
5.sleepwalk v. 梦游, 书中用来指一些人上班很懒散,没有目标
We are checked out, sleepwalking through our days, putting little energy into our work. 我们每天漫漫度日,在工作中几乎没有投入任精力。
6.incentive n. 刺激,激励
People do things for incentives, for rewards, for money. 人们因为一些激励机制,为奖励和钱而工作。
7.emolument n. 薪水,工资
And if his emoluments are to be precisely the same whether he does or does not perform some very laborious duty...不管他做或是不做一些劳累的工作,如果他的工资都是完全一样的话...
8.division of labor 劳动分工
9.compensation n. 补偿金
And he designed compensation schemes that pushed employees to work hard, work fast, and work accurately. 他设计了一些补偿金计划,以此来推动员工努力,快速并且准确无误的工作。
10.trudge off v. 艰难的走
People trudged off to work each day with little expectation of meaning, engagement, or challenge. 人们每天步履艰难的去上班,几乎对工作的意义,投入和挑战没有任何期待。
11.paycheck n. 工资
They work for the paycheck. 他们工作是为了得到工资。 还记得我们前面说过的工资还可以怎么表达吗?emolument当然,也可以用 salary,wage,payment。
12.mundane adj.平凡的
Many people who do what we think of as mundane jobs-janitors, factory workers, call-center employees-care about more than the wage. 很多人会做我们认为很普通的工作,比如说清洁工,工厂工人,呼叫中心的员工。对于他们而言,他们在乎的不仅仅是工资。
13.pie-in-the-sky 天上的馅饼,用来形容渺茫的希望
And we’ll see that this aspiration for good work is not “ pie-in-the-sky” idealism. It is well within our grasp. 并且我们可以看到期望得到一份好的工作并不是一种不可能的理想主义。这是我们可以很容易得到的。
14. wax and wane v. 兴衰成败
And Stephen Barley and Gideon Kunda published an important article documenting how such ideas about management have waxed and waned over the years. Stephen Barley and Gideon Kunda 发表了一篇很重要的文章,文章讲述关于管理的想法在这些年是如何经历兴衰成败的。
15.assembly-line 流水线
Assembly-line work can be done by people with low skill and little training. 流水线工作可以由那些很少接受培训或者只掌握一些简单技能的人来完成。
16.drudgery n. 苦差事
This unorthodox, attention-grabbing practices of Google and other high-flying Silicon Valley companies may give the impression that assembly-line drudgery is a thing of the past. 谷歌和其他一些硅谷的公司的独特并且吸人眼球的实践可能会传达一种信息:这样单调沉闷的流水线工作已经是一个过去式罢了。
17.impoverished adj.穷困的,无力的,用尽的
Their work would be much impoverished, and the hospital would run less well, as a result. 他们心不在焉的工作,结果导致这个医院运行的越来越差。
18.excruciating adj. 痛苦的
The solicitors went off to do their excruciating jobs. 募捐者们继续去做这种极为痛苦的工作。
19.performance n. 表现/业绩
Miraculously, their performance was transformed. 神奇的是,他们的表现发生了改变。
20.nominal adj. 微不足道的
Though all the hospital custodians interviewed by Wrzesniewski were doing the same nominal job, not all of them were doing it like Luke or Carlotta. 尽管医院里所有被Wrzesniewski 采访的看守人都作者同样微不足道的工作,但并不是所有人都像Luke 或者Carlotta 这样(尽职尽责)
21.dedication n. 献身
Market Basket employees worked with dedication, enthusiasm, and cooperation. Market Basket的员工工作的时候极其投入,热情并且会互相合作。
22.disinterested adj. 不感兴趣的
The two standard methods for managing disinterested workers are material incentives (wages) and close monitoring of work that has been routinized. 两种管理没有兴趣的员工的标准方法:一是给予员工一些物质激励,比如工资;二是根据日常的的安排密切地监督员工的工作。
23.idiot proof 简单易操作的
Curriculum specialists, sitting in offices at boards of education, design curricula that are “ idiot proof”. 课程专家,坐在教育委员会的办公室,做着很简单的课程安排工作。
24.evaluation n. 评估,评价
In some systems, teachers’ annual evaluations, and even pay, are based on their students’ performance on standardized test. 在一些体制下,教师的年度评估或者是薪资水平,是以他们的学生在标准化考试中的表现为基础的。
25.empirical adj.以经验为基础的
This sort of motivational competition doesn’t always happen, and despite years of empirical evidence, I don’t think we fully understand it yet. 这种激励性的竞争并不会经常发生,并且尽管我们有多年的以经验为基础的证据,我并不认为我们完全能够明白(这种方法)。