亿万富翁的潜质 你有几个<Trump:Think like

亿万富翁的潜质 你有几个<Trump:Think like

作者: 娉芝 | 来源:发表于2017-03-02 05:23 被阅读52次

新上任的美国总统特朗普大家怎么看?最开始看一些新闻报道,给我的感觉是自负和口无遮拦的大嘴巴。 但是,回过头来说,别说能够当选美国总统了,就凭人家亿万富翁的身份,肯定是有深层次的原因的。来来来,跟大家分享一本最近读过的特朗普写的书:<像亿万富翁一样去思考>,看看亿万富翁成功哲学、思考模式及处事态度。就像作者说的那样,读完这本书,如果可以吸取其中的一些精华,即便成不了亿万富翁,做成百万富翁还是很有可能滴。


1.      Pay attention to details (这句话是我的补充,书中原文没有). When I’m talking to a contractor, or examining a site, or planning a new development, no detail is too small to consider. I even try to sign as many checks as possible. For me, there’s nothing worse than a computer signing checks.


2.      Kelly Shaver, a professor of psychology at William & Mary College, said we don’t care what other people think about us. She said, “They’re just happy to go off and do what they’re doing.”

He (Warren Buffett) didn’t follow the stampede into the dotcom gold rush, even though he was widely criticized for remaining a traditional value investor. Now he once again looks like a genius.

就像特朗普说的:“I listen to people, but my vision is my vision我会聆听别人的建议,但我的观点就是我的观点”。特朗普以及像特朗普一样的亿万富翁,之所以能有如此的成就,是因为他们不在意别人的目光,有勇气坚持自己的想法,有时候甚至是有点偏执得坚持下去。

3.      Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re in the wrong job.

        I’m not the only one who doesn’t take vacations.


4.      Don’t sleep any more than you have to. I usually sleep about four hours per night. I’m in bed by 1 A.M. and up to read the newspapers at 5 A.M. That’s all I need, and it gives me a competitive edge.


5.      It’s often to your advantage to be underestimated. You never want people to think you’re a loser or a schlepper, but it’s not a good idea if they think you’re the smartest guy in the room, either.


It’s often necessary to boast, but it’s even better if others do it for you.

6.      Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results. If you’re young and

you haven’t had any successes yet, then you have to create the impression of success. It doesn’t matter whether the success is a small one or a big one—you have to start with something and build on it.


为教育做储备 How to Save and Pay for College

The best time to start saving for your children’s education is the day they are born, if not before.  


 If you are paying for your own education, look into grants and scholarships.There are a lot of them, and as a result of the high costs of education today, you may still be required to be creative in finding a way to make money while going to school. Don’t gripe about having to work during school. It will be better for you in the long run, not only for your finances but for your character.


以下这段是我很喜欢的一段关于“Business of Life”的总结

Whether you’re a homemaker or a schoolteacher, a lawyer or a doctor, a news anchor or an aerobics instructor, you are conducting business each and every day.There’s no such thing as personal and work business; it’s simply your business, twenty-four hours per day. You are your own storefront, your own manager, and your own brand, so don’t screw it up by making bad business decisions in life.


Don’t ask other people questions you should be asking yourself.


If you want the best, you’d better be the best—in all aspects of business.

How to Love Your Job 如何爱上你的工作

Billionaires love their jobs—not because their jobs make them wealthy, but because they wouldn’t have become so wealthy doing something that they hated.


 You have to love what you’re doing, because then it won’t seem like work to you and you will bring the necessary energy to profit from it. That passion alone will take care of ninety percent of any problems with any job.


Here’s another trick: Always pretend that you’re working for yourself. You’ll do a wonderful job in that case. 爱上你的工作的一个小窍门:假装你是在为你自己而工作,在这种情况下,你会做得很出色。

Life is difficult no matter what, but hard work and perseverance make it a lot easier.从任何角度来说,生活并不容易,但是努力工作和坚持不懈会让它轻松些。

Promote Yourself 推销自己

Promotion comes naturally from doing what you’re good at.做你自己擅长的时间,就是一种营销。

I do think it’s important to promote an image of yourself each and every day.每天展示自己的个人形象,是一件非常重要的事。

How to Dress and Groom for Work 别小瞧职场着装

Always remember: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. 永远记得:不要为你现有的工作穿着,要像去做你心目中理想的工作一样去穿着。这句话对我来说很重要,我是一个穿衣相对随意的人,有点不拘小节大大咧咧的架势,看完这本书,我觉得我该好好清理下自己的衣柜了。

Clothing does not have to cost a fortune, but you should invest in some high-quality items that you can rotate throughout your week. It takes money to make money, and clothing is always a good investment.

How to Balance Work and Pleasure如何平衡工作和生活

If, during the workweek, all you can think about is how many hours and minutes there are until the weekend, you’ll never be a billionaire. You’ll never even be a millionaire, most likely. Billionaires never wish away the minutes; life’s just too good to wish it away.

Success requires work seven days per week. If you’re interested in balancing work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them.






    本文标题:亿万富翁的潜质 你有几个<Trump:Think like
