go about:v. 着手做;四处走动;传开;从事
I must go about my business.
In any event:无论如何;不管怎样
In any event, impressions on the surface of the moon exist and remain, unless someone alters or destroys them.
life-long learning :终生学习
bring your mood down :让你心情不好
If she did not care where she wanted to go, it did not matter too much which direction she took — she was sure to get somewhere as long as she walked for long enough.
如果她不在乎去哪,那么去那边都没什么关系——只要她走的足够远,一定会到达某个地方。(刘易斯·卡罗尔 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》)
Write down examples of how you demonstrate key employability skills such as team work, leadership, and communication.