分別時刻終於到了 。42天的暑假台灣假期在今天搭華航班機直飛英國倫敦告一段落 。
九月份要開學了 ,兩個小公主在台灣的快樂假期讓她們充滿回憶也依依不捨 。
這個暑假兩姊妹在台灣有何收穫? 從妹妹寫給他老師信裡可看出端倪
Dear Mr. Collier,
This is Ashlynn Guo. I’m writing to you about my Summer Project .I am 13 hours away from you because I’m in a country called Taiwan. I’ve come to Taiwan to visit my grandparents and to learn Chinese. I’ve learnt a load of amazing, flawless experiences. In this summer, I’ve learnt magic tricks from my Chinese magic teacher which I am happy to show you when I returned to school. Also, I learned how to play my ukulele. Did you know, Taiwan is closer to the Equator than England which means that the weather is much warmer than England? I have done amazing amount of new things like pushing a trolley through an escalator in a supermarket, trying new food, and going to the oldest temple in Taiwan. I hope you have enjoyed my presentation
Best Regards
這是Ashlynn的暑假作業,必須寫一封信給他的老師。 八歲的小朋友可以寫出這樣的信,我很意外,因為有些用詞連大人都沒想到。
I really miss you.I hope that you and grandma will always remember us
We, grandmom and I will miss you all the time.,