The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective

作者: RabbitAZR | 来源:发表于2017-07-18 20:57 被阅读0次


    Words and phrase

    1.One person's success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others.

    At the expense of:with loss or damage to sb/sth以···为代价

    e.g. Don’t be happy at the expense of other’s pain.

    2.Win/Lose people are prone to use position, power, credentials, possessions or personality to get their way.

    Be prone to: likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful,倾向于做某事

    e.g. A great many children are prone to junk food.

    3.Revenge is a two-edged sword.

    Two-edged sword:  a situation with as many bad qualities or effects as good ones 双刃剑

    e.g. The use of computers have been a two-edged for people.

    4.But his people weren't really behind the decision.

    Behind: in support of : on the side of支持

    e.g. I know that whatever I do, my parents are always behind me.

    5.Respect for this quality is deeply ingrained in the theory of human interaction, management, and leadership.

    Ingrained: ~ (in sb / sth) (of a habit, an attitude, etc. 习惯、态度等) that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change 根深蒂固的;日久难改的。同之前我们所了解的deep-rooted, deep-seated.

    e.g. It is hard to remove the ingrained prejudice.


    今天开始学习habit 4----think win/win, 即双赢。

    作者提出了win/win, win/lose, lose/win, lose/lose, win,no deal这六个方面。其中我印象最深刻的是win/lose 。因为生活或学习工作中,很多人都是想要win/lose, 希望自己赢,希望自己成功,希望自己遥遥领先,别人赶不上;希望别人输,希望别人比自己弱。这样的心态都是因为相互比较而激烈竞争产生的,所以通过优胜劣负,来定位了自己。但这是一种目光短浅,鼠目寸光的眼界,如果一直是自己在赢,周围的人都弱,久而久之自己也会满足于这种"自己很强"的完美感之中,殊不知自己也在变弱!win/lose只是一种短暂的胜利,却是一种长期的失败。




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