大师游戏II 101~佛性

大师游戏II 101~佛性

作者: 心水 | 来源:发表于2021-08-06 19:48 被阅读0次


The first week after I got the bad news I just fell apart. I let everything come up that wanted to come up - anger, fear, rage, sadness. It all seemed to wash through
and then out of me, and I returned
to simply being with what is. If this
is what is, then this is what is. It feels like acceptance, not resignation, but who can know for sure? Am I kidding myself? That same small voice saying, Treya, you should be worried. But it's a pale voice, it seems. It's there, but it's having a hard time getting an audience.


Buddhism, on the other hand, is a real source of comfort when things are bad. Instead of leading me to rant and rave about the state of things or start a crusade to correct them, it helps me accept the way
things are. But this doesn't lead to passivity since the emphasis is always on right effort while freeing oneself from craving and from
aversion. In fact, for me effort becomes easier, almost paradoxically, because I find myself less attached to results,more involved in investigating what's happening than in setting goals, striving to reach them, and being disappointed if I don't.


I'll gladly trade in my anger for joy, thank you! Now I wonder how this study will make me feel when I'm feeling depressed and
unjoyful. . . . The possibility of endless bouts of this kind of yo-yo reaction to new articles, newstudies, new test results, new prognoses, on and on, is exactly why cultivating equanimity, being with what is,observing without trying to change or
make "better"
helps me so much.

从Treya的文字中感受到了佛教给她带去的佛性,什么是佛性呢?佛性 = 内心平静 + 接纳当下 + 中正观察

Pain is not punishment, death is not
a failure, life is not a reward.



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      本文标题:大师游戏II 101~佛性
