Stressful working conditions lead to a breakdown in group co-operation which can damage effectiveness and productivity, a study has found. Psychologists have discovered that when employees work in crisis condition, they are less willing to work together. The study showed that when workers are under stress, they have a strong tendency to concentrate on their own personal goals to the detriment of their colleagues.
In the study, 100 naval personnel worked in groups of three, and each group was given a computer simulation of a naval decision-making task. Under a high degree of stress, they had to monitor a radar screen with their own ship at the centre and numerous unidentified contacts around the ship.
As expected, participants operating in the highly stressful situation performed worse than those operating under normal circumstances. But the results also showed that under stress, the workers' focus of attention shifted from group involvement to a more narrow individual perspective, which lead to a severe breakdown in team performance.
The author of the study concludes that it is possible that, for many team tasks, the importance of teamwork behavior such as co-ordination and communication may be perceived as secondary to basic individual demands. In his opinion, the way to achieve efficiency under stress is by delegation. Simplifying tasks by delegating parts of them, making them less demanding, is one of the best ways of maintaining the effectiveness of the group.