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BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 2-Part 1-Five

BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 2-Part 1-Five

作者: Jeremy1999 | 来源:发表于2020-03-07 17:17 被阅读0次

    A. New Store
    Parkin's search for a site for its next store has been ended by Marsden's misfortunes, with Parkin agreeing to buy half of the latter's Birmingham store for 40m. Parkin's main store is in London, but it opened its second, in Birmingham, three years ago, and has been seeking sites in other large cities. There was surprise that the new store, likely to open next year, is so close to the existing one, where profits have so far beaten Parkin's sales targets, in case it draws customers away from the existing outlets.


    Capacity Cut
    The packaging industry has typically suffered from a vicious cycle,with rising prices leading to excess capacity, which in turn leads to a collapse in prices, and Johnson Keithley is no exception. The company has been attempting to smooth the boom/bust cycle by better capacity management, but it admitted yesterday that it has been forced to make significant cuts to capacity because of a surprisingly sharp downturn in demand. The group now expects its second-half results to fall below expectations, and warned of further problems on the horizon.

    包装行业通常都会经历一个严重的循环,高的价格导致产量过剩,产量过剩导致价格大幅下跌,Johnson Keithley也不例外。公司企图通过更好的产能管理来缓解繁荣/萧条周期,但是公司昨天承认,由于需求量的急剧下降,它被迫大幅消减产能。集团公司现预计第二个半年的销售额将低于预期,并且警告可能出现的其他问题。

    C. Hit by Higher Costs
    Higher raw-material costs have reduced full-year profits at Bonner's , the plastics manufacturer, with prices of polyethylene, the main component of its business, rising 8% since last year. Profits were also held back by the disposal of its packaging division, which account for over half of turnover the previous year. Additional costs were incurred by relocating the head office from Wrexham to Cardiff, and from reorganisation and redundancy in its plastic business. Bonner's said that trading in the current year has started slowly, particular in its European markets.


    D.Surprise Fall
    Shares in regional supermarket chain Couldson fell steeply yesterday after the retailer warned of losses at its biggest outlet, in Bristol. The warning was in stark contrast to its trading statement three months ago, which reported a rise in like-for-like sales of 5% in the preceding month. However, trading across the rest of the chain, including seven outlets bought last year from Luxona, showed a healthy improvement. The company has promised to do all it can stem the decline of the last four weeks at the Bristol outlet.

    地区连锁超市Couldson的股价昨天大跌,此前这家零售商警告称其最大的超市在Bristol亏损。这个警告与其三个月前交易声明形成了鲜明的对比,该交易声称前一个月的同类销售增长了5%。然而,其他渠道的业务,包括去年从Luxona收购的7个超市,体现了健康发展。公司已经承诺尽其所能阻止过去四周在 Bristol分店的业绩下滑。

    E.Modest Improvement
    Dorcas Foods has posted a modest rise in interim profits. However, the company says it has had to absorb increased costs at its Quality Sugar subsidiary and the impact of a margin squeeze at its Australian baking operations. In sugar, the continued strength of sterling has capped profits, and with Dorcas's move out of sugar-beet refining, expenditure on redundancy is having a serious impact. At the same time, floods in Australia have led to higher wheat prices, which in turn have reduced margins in the company's baking operations.

    Dorcas Food公布了中期利润的小幅增长。然而,该公司表示,他不得不消化旗下优质糖子公司成本上升影响,以及澳大利亚烘培业务利润率下降的影响。在糖业方面,英镑的持续坚挺限制了利润,并且随着Dorcas退出了甜菜精炼业务, 用于裁员的支出影响非常大。同时,澳大利亚的洪水已经导致小麦价格上涨,进而降低了烘焙业务的利润率。

    1. This company reports not being able to pass on higher costs to its customers.公司报告说他无法把更高的成本转给客户。E
    2. The sale of part of a company has had an adverse affect on profit. 出售公司的一部分对利润有不利影响。C
    3. This company's response to fluctuations in sales has not had the desired effect. 公司对销售波动的反应没有达到预期效果。B
    4. Jobs have been lost because a company has ended one of its activities. 因为公司终止了一些活动,可能会失业。E
    5. There are fears about the impact of internal competition within the company. 人们担心内部竞争的影响。A
    6. This company has reported contrasting results from different parts of its operation.公司报道了不同公司运营部门的对比结果。D
    7. This company has spent money on moving part of its operation.这个公司花钱在转移部分业务上 C
    8. Efforts are to be made to turn around sales at a store. 要努力使得一个店里销售额好转。D



        本文标题:BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 2-Part 1-Five
