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BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 1-Part 1-Stra

BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 1-Part 1-Stra

作者: Jeremy1999 | 来源:发表于2020-03-01 20:08 被阅读0次

    A. Those serving in industry today have two options: they can surrender the future to revolutionary companies or they can revolutionise the way their companies create strategy. In Revolution and Strategy, Gary Heath argues that any approach that does not challenge the status quo is not a strategy at all. In too many companies, the strategy-planning process is monopolised by senior managers, and what passes for strategy is sterile and uninspiring. To create truly revolutionary strategies, a strategy-making process must be demanding and inclusive: it must rid itself of tired, outdated perspectives and uncover the revolutionary ideas that are lying deep in an organisation.

    A.今天在工业界工作的人有两种选择:他们可以把未来交给具有革命性的公司或者彻底改变公司指定战略的方式。在《革命与战略》一书中,Gary Heath认为,任何补挑战现状的方法根本就不是战略。在很多公司里,战略计划的制定过程被高级管理人员垄断,而传递给战略的东西是徒劳无益的。为了创造真实的革命性战略,一个战略指定的过程必须要求严格,并且包容性强的:它必须摆脱陈腐,过时的观点,并发现公司中深处的革命性思想。

    B. Companies often attempt to implement a major change in strategy. Determined managers go forth with the plans, and they expect enthusiasm and commitment from their subordinate. But instead, employees drag their feet and figure out ways to undermine the process. The change effort gets bogged down, and results fall short. in Why Resist Change? Paul Strong explains how corporate leader can overcome employees' concerns about change by revising the mutual obligations and commitments, both stated and implied, that exist between them. The author presents two case studies of this ideas in action.

    公司经常试图实施重大的战略变革。有决心的管理者能会按计划前进,他们期望他们的下属的热情和承诺。但相反,员工们拖拖拉拉并想方设法破坏流程。变更的工作陷入困境,结果达不到要求。在《为什么抗拒改变》这本书中,Paul Strong解释企业领导者如何通过修改于员工之间的相互义务和承诺(包括明示和暗示的义务和承诺),克服员工对改变的担忧。作者介绍了有关思想的两个案例研究。

    C.Business units often take charge of formulating strategy in today's environment, but they can easily get lost in a thicket of weeds-too many customers, products and services. In strategic business Unit Renewal, John White provides a method for business unit to prune their gardens and regain perspective. His strategy-renewal process leas managers through the undergrowth of a business unit's complexity and compels them to ask whether all of the unit's customers, products and services are truly strategically important, significant and profitable. Units that do not meet these criteria must cut back to allow a greater concentration on cultivating their most worthy projects.

    在今天的环境里,业务部门经常负责制定战略,但是他们非常容易在杂草丛生中迷失方向--因为有太多的客户,产品和服务。在《战略经营单元复兴》这本书中,John White提供了一个修剪花园重获前景的方法。他的战略复兴的过程帮助管理者了解一个业务部门的复杂性,并迫使他们思考该部门所有的客户,产品和服务是否具有战略意义,重要性和可盈利性。不符合这些标准的部门必须消减规模,以便将更多的精力放在培养最有价值的项目上。

    D. Which came first, Harry J. Mindenberg wonders in Musings on Management Strategy: our misguided ideas of what makes a good manager and a good organisation, or the programmes that claim to create them? A professor of management himself at McGill University in Canada and at INSEAD in France, Mindenberg takes on management fads, management education and the worship of management gurus-and offers some provocative alternatives.

    D. Harry J. Mindenberg在《战略管理思考》这本书上思考哪一个先出现:是我们关于怎样才能成为一个优秀的管理者还是一个好的公司,还是那些声称创造了他们的项目。作为加拿大McGill大学和法国工商管理学院(INSEAD)的管理学教授,Mindenberg研究了管理风潮,管理教育和对管理大师崇拜-同时提出了一些有争议性的选择。

    E. The next time you are planning a major change effort, forget the huge meeting, the speeches relayed by satellite, the videos and special publications. J.K. Sandra Parkin argue that Changing Frontiline Employees requires giving up the image of the charismatic executive rousing the troops. Frontline employees may accept change, but they wont's accept empty words delivered impersonally. If you need to convey a major strategic change, remember that frontline supervisors- not senior managers- are the people whom employees trust the most.

    E.下次你在正在计划一个重要的变革时,请忘掉举办大型会议,卫星转播的演讲和特别的出版物。J.K. Sandra Parkin认为改变前线的员工需要放弃有感召力高管鼓舞士气的形象。一线员工可能接受改变,但是他们不接受客观的空谈。如果你需要传递一个重要的战略改革,记住前线主管-不是高级管理者,他们是最让员工信任的人。

    1. It proposes some views on management that the editor feel might be considered controversial by readers. 他提出了一些有关管理的观点,编辑认为可能引起读者的争议。D.
    2. It explains who the communicators of initiatives within a company should be. 这解释了谁是公司内部提倡的沟通者。E.
    3. It makes reference to the fact that some people may try to hinder innovations. 这提到了某些人可能试图阻碍创新的事实。B.
    4. It considers the need to streamline commercial activities in order to have a clearer focus. 为了有更明确的重点,它认为需要考虑精简商业活动。C
    5. It criticises the control of policy-making by certain key person. 这批评了某些关键人物对决策的控制。A
    6. It questions the validity of certain accepted management-training approaches. 它质疑了某些可接受的管理培训方法的有效性。D
    7. It includes practical, real-world examples of the ideas being put forward. 这包括了可实践的,现实世界被推动的例子。B
    8. It stresses that it is vital to exclude obsolete views when drawing up company policy. 它强调了当起草公司政策时,排除过时的观点至关重要。A



        本文标题:BEC剑桥英语高级真题4 Test 1-Part 1-Stra
