Russell Peters脱口秀深度分析第三弹

Russell Peters脱口秀深度分析第三弹

作者: TonyRongEnglish | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 11:06 被阅读0次


When I say Asian, every time when i say Asian

People automatically think Chinese

"Oh, Chinese is Asian, Chinese? That's all they are"

"All Asians are Chinese, that's it"

Look at them, yelling out their last name, so proud, that's cool

But that's not the case, so many different kinds of Asian, you know what i mean?

Sure you may not be able to tell them right away

But looking at Asian people, you cold take an edcuated guess

Sometimes, you know, certain things stand up

You go:"Ah, I know what kind of Asian you are"

but if you really wanna learn the differences between different Asian groups

you can tell by when they speak English

that's how you can tell

And I just get a feel for the Asians that are in the room tonight

Do we have any Vietnamese people here tonight? Vietnamese people?

Alright, one guy hiding upstairs do "do la"

Any Koreans in the house? Koreans in the house?

Alright, that's two closed dry cleaners, nice!

Phillippinos? Oh, yeah, I see you right there

I knew you guys are Phillippinos right away 'cause you keep staring at my microphone like there is gonna be Karaoke after the show

 "I hope this Bombaya hurries up with the show, please, cus uh"

"I want to get up there and sing, Gudayida hurry!"

And Chinese people, yeah, Chinese folks?

Nice, that's good, man

You can tell when an Asian group is speaking English

That's how you can tell where they are from

I will give you an exmaple

Vietnamese people, you can tell when they speak English

because when they speak English

they speak it really fast

Like they know it



      本文标题:Russell Peters脱口秀深度分析第三弹
