Summarise Written Text
首先是SWT这个题目,总的来说我觉得只有2点。第一注意格式,不要写字数超了。第二照抄原文,然后用and, but, because,还有分号连起来。那么有些人可能会问,那我到底抄哪一句,其实很简单,大家如果考过雅思,做过雅思阅读,那么就应该掌握过fast reading 的技能。我一直觉得PTE中SWT这个题目可以运用雅思阅读考试fast reading。我们在考雅思的时候,因为阅读文章很长,不可能做到把每一句话都去读,所以我们要快速掌握整个段落意思,知道文章的主旨,而SWT也是要求用一句话概括文章内容,所以其实是一个道理。那么到底哪些是重点呢,其实就是文章的每一段的第一句话,以及强转折,强对比,强因果的句子。
强转折, however /nevertheless B.....
强对比, Unlike A, B...
强因果, As A, result B.... Because A, B.... Although A, B....
以上三强只读B, 只用抄写B的部分。
原因: ... B because A....
让步:Although A, B.... A but B....
条件:If A, B....
时间: When A, B....
Write Essay
接着是大作文,写作的大作文也非常的简单。我在Jin 老师给的写作模板的基础上,曾经自己改过更简单的版本(编者注:该版本为Simple template A, 只需要抄原文一句话就可以拿到作文50+),因为我觉得无论什么问题,其实都是可以从个人问题和社会问题这2个方面来展开。所以我把模板改的更加的百搭和简单,考试时候只需要把考试题目的内容进行简单的同义词转换就可以了。如果是考过雅思的同学,这方面应该都有很深的同义词转换积累,我也简单分享一下我的积累,大家不要把PTE写作想的太难了,只要简单替换就可以了。
Cashless society is becoming a reality. More and more people are using credit cards for payment, and less people use cash. How realistic do you think it is and what do you see in its potential benefits or problems?
In recent years, whether cashless society has more advantages than disadvantages has caused numerous controversies and drawn the attention of the public. Some people insist that using credit cards for payment has more pros than cons, and I approve of this viewpoint because of individual and social reasons.
第一段,我把题目中的benefits or problems做了2次替换。因为刚开头,我没有去改写无现金这件事,而且向我前文提到的,不管啥问题反正肯定是individual and social。
First and foremost, it has been argued that the individual reason is why I think using high-tech devices to purchase products can benefit our lives. Though potentially negative impacts of cashless society must have to be taken into account, I still reckon that using a smartphone or credit cards to pay our bills can make our lives more convenient, which improves the quality of lives. For example, a well-known American scientist once said that it is necessary for us to acknowledge and accept the benefits of cashless society.
Furthermore, the social reason is another factor that should be taken into account, which in other words, using cutting-edge technologies for payment can fuel the economic development. As far as society is concerned, the ultimate goal of society is to maintain and promote the well-being of human beings, so using credit cards plays an important role in economic growth. For instance, a recent research published in The Economist revealed that more than half of people feel more satisfied and efficient after using credit cards for payment.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that cashless society has more benefits for our lives. To address this issue, individuals and society should make a concerted effort.